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查询Tags标签: Pairing,共有 4条记录
  • [Android] 配置Android Studio的Wireless debugging

    我又开始折腾Android Studio了,下载了最新版的AS,发现有个远程调试的功能,直接通过Wi-Fi在真机上调试,不用插数据线,很方便 理论上满足下面这些条件后Android Studio自带的"Pair Device over Wi-Fi"就能识别到设备了:运行Android Studio的的电脑和手机连同…

    2022/2/4 23:22:06 人评论 次浏览
  • #722 (Div. 1) B. Kavi on Pairing Duty(DP)

    题目描述Kavi has 2n points lying on the OX axis, i-th of which is located at x=i. Kavi considers all ways to split these 2n points into n pairs. Among those, he is interested in good pairings, which are defined as follows: Consider n segments with end…

    2021/10/26 23:40:00 人评论 次浏览
  • #722 (Div. 1) B. Kavi on Pairing Duty(DP)

    题目描述Kavi has 2n points lying on the OX axis, i-th of which is located at x=i. Kavi considers all ways to split these 2n points into n pairs. Among those, he is interested in good pairings, which are defined as follows: Consider n segments with end…

    2021/10/26 23:40:00 人评论 次浏览
  • 【CF1528B】Kavi on Pairing Duty

    题目 题目链接: 有 \(2n\) 个点在一条直线上,你需要把他们两两配对(可以看作两两连线),一种配对方案是好的当且仅当不存在两条连线它们长度不一样且没有互相包含(也就是对于任意两条连线之间至少需要满足长度一样或…

    2021/5/25 10:24:36 人评论 次浏览