查询Tags标签: Sheets,共有 10条记录-
Excel通过JS宏自定义过滤、查找等操作 打开宏开发工具编写JS代码 function myTest() {addSheet()setValue()regFind()deleteSheet() }// 新增sheet function addSheet(name) {var st = Sheets.Add()st.Name = name || "测试" }// 删除sheet function deleteShee…
2022/9/16 23:47:19 人评论 次浏览 -
wps js宏制作工作表目录
制作目录是通过Hyperlinks.Add添加超链接。主要思路是构造工作表索引的连续数字通过map获得表名。效果如下图: 代码:function 制作工作表目录(){var arr=Array.from(new Array(Sheets.Count+1).keys()).slice(2).map(itm=>Sheets(itm).Name)var sht=Sheets("目录…
2022/9/10 23:23:13 人评论 次浏览 -
摘自:https://blog.csdn.net/liuzhicheng1845/article/details/120758263 https://open.wps.cn/docs/officehttps://www.cnblogs.com/nutix/p/15189657.html excel处理function test1(){//文本问题检索var all=""for(var i=200;i<=400;i++){if(get(i,3)==1)…
2022/3/27 6:23:06 人评论 次浏览 -
excel python 保持格式复制粘贴 Excel.Application
import pyrfc, json import tablib from datetime import datetime import win32com.client, os, shutil, time xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")file = rD:\code\maria_po_transfer\t2\dn_template.xlsxl.DisplayAlerts = False xl.Visible…
2021/11/30 17:36:14 人评论 次浏览 -
excel python 保持格式复制粘贴 Excel.Application
import pyrfc, json import tablib from datetime import datetime import win32com.client, os, shutil, time xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")file = rD:\code\maria_po_transfer\t2\dn_template.xlsxl.DisplayAlerts = False xl.Visible…
2021/11/30 17:36:14 人评论 次浏览 -
vba for yingying
Dim strNameCase As String Dim nInputDataStartRow As Integer Dim nOutputDataTitleRow As Integer Dim nInputColFunc As Integer Dim nInputColSubFunc As Integer Dim nInputColMember As Integer Dim nInputColValue As Integer Dim nInputColMemberList As Integer…
2021/10/1 6:14:01 人评论 次浏览 -
vba for yingying
Dim strNameCase As String Dim nInputDataStartRow As Integer Dim nOutputDataTitleRow As Integer Dim nInputColFunc As Integer Dim nInputColSubFunc As Integer Dim nInputColMember As Integer Dim nInputColValue As Integer Dim nInputColMemberList As Integer…
2021/10/1 6:14:01 人评论 次浏览 -
本文是为了科普和演示如何将VBA代码翻译成python调用的形式: VBA代码翻译成Python调用示例 下面这段拆分Excel表的vba代码来自才哥的文章《Python对比VBA实现excel表格合并与拆分》,作者“两百斤的老涛”: Sub 表格拆分()屏幕刷新=falseApplication.ScreenUpdating = F…
2021/7/11 17:06:41 人评论 次浏览 -
本文是为了科普和演示如何将VBA代码翻译成python调用的形式: VBA代码翻译成Python调用示例 下面这段拆分Excel表的vba代码来自才哥的文章《Python对比VBA实现excel表格合并与拆分》,作者“两百斤的老涛”: Sub 表格拆分()屏幕刷新=falseApplication.ScreenUpdating = F…
2021/7/11 17:06:41 人评论 次浏览 -
Excel Sheet排序
Sub Sort_Sheets()Dim sCount As Integer, I As Integer, R As IntegerReDim Na(0) As StringsCount = Sheets.CountFor I = 1 To sCountReDim Preserve Na(I) As StringNa(I) = Sheets(I).NameNextFor I = 1 To sCount - 1For R = I + 1 To sCountIf Na(R) < Na(I) Th…
2021/4/26 10:55:20 人评论 次浏览