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查询Tags标签: Straight,共有 2条记录
  • leetcode 1232. Check If It Is a Straight Line(python)

    描述 You are given an array coordinates, coordinates[i] = [x, y], where [x, y] represents the coordinate of a point. Check if these points make a straight line in the XY plane. Example 1:Input: coordinates = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]] Outpu…

    2021/9/4 17:08:48 人评论 次浏览
  • leetcode 1232. Check If It Is a Straight Line(python)

    描述 You are given an array coordinates, coordinates[i] = [x, y], where [x, y] represents the coordinate of a point. Check if these points make a straight line in the XY plane. Example 1:Input: coordinates = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]] Outpu…

    2021/9/4 17:08:48 人评论 次浏览