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查询Tags标签: acquainted,共有 2条记录
  • G9U6-1 Getting acquainted

    1 Expressions Getting people getting acquainted 熟悉起来Referring 参考conversation starters 对话启动器common ground 共同点。Referring to a length of time Use expressions like these to greet someone you havent seen for a long time, and to express how h…

    2021/10/1 23:44:02 人评论 次浏览
  • G9U6-1 Getting acquainted

    1 Expressions Getting people getting acquainted 熟悉起来Referring 参考conversation starters 对话启动器common ground 共同点。Referring to a length of time Use expressions like these to greet someone you havent seen for a long time, and to express how h…

    2021/10/1 23:44:02 人评论 次浏览