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查询Tags标签: activities,共有 2条记录
  • corrupt

    abrupt [from ab- away, off + rumpere to break] 突然的; 不连贯的 bankrupt corrupt [from com- + rumpere to break] disrupt [from rumpere to break] prevent sth from continuing in its usual way by causing problems erupt [from erumpere to burst out] 爆发; 突…

    2022/8/24 23:23:19 人评论 次浏览
  • APP性能测试-启动时间

    1.冷启动 冷启动:后台没有该应用程序的进程,应用首次启动。 获取package名 打开APP,然后使用命令 adb shell dumpsys activity | grep mFocusedActivity adb shell logcat | grep START adb shell logcat | grep cmp=adb shell dumpsys activity | findstr mFocusedAct…

    2022/3/10 6:16:15 人评论 次浏览