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查询Tags标签: automation,共有 4条记录
  • python~windows自动化工具 uiautomation库

    微软提供了关于自动化操作PC端桌面应用程序的工具,官方描述为:Microsoft UI Automation is an accessibility framework that enables Windows applications to provide and consume programmatic information about user interfaces (UIs). It provides programmatic a…

    2022/7/12 5:20:14 人评论 次浏览
  • 【Java】TestNG Automation测试工程如何打断点调试依赖jar包(AutomatioinBase)的源代码

    1.将Automation测试工程和AutomationBase工程都import到Eclipse 2.设置 Debug Configurations... 设置要调试的Class入口 3.在Base工程里改代码,打断点,不需要其他的操作了,接下来开始快乐的调试之旅吧 4.选择TestNG里配置的DebugRestAssuredBaseFramework进行调试

    2022/3/20 11:27:36 人评论 次浏览
  • Apollo - Self-driving Overview 学习记录

    Six Levels Of Autonomous Vehicles Level 0 Level 0 is the base level. At this level, the driver is the sole decision maker for the system. The driver controls the steering wheel, throttle, brakes and all other vehicle controls. Level 1 Level 1 is drive…

    2021/10/4 23:42:56 人评论 次浏览
  • Apollo - Self-driving Overview 学习记录

    Six Levels Of Autonomous Vehicles Level 0 Level 0 is the base level. At this level, the driver is the sole decision maker for the system. The driver controls the steering wheel, throttle, brakes and all other vehicle controls. Level 1 Level 1 is drive…

    2021/10/4 23:42:56 人评论 次浏览