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查询Tags标签: bandwidth,共有 3条记录
  • 计算机网络性能指标之带宽(bandwidth)

    第一种意义 带宽(bandwidth)本来是指某个信号具有的频带宽度。信号的带宽是指该信号所包含的各种不同频率成分所占据的频率范围。例如,在传统的通信线路上传送的电话信号的标准带宽是 3.1 kHz(从 300 Hz 到 3.5 kHz,即话音的主要成分的频率范围。这种意义的带宽的单位…

    2022/9/7 6:23:20 人评论 次浏览
  • Video DegradationPreference

    DegradationPreference1. CPU overused 2. bandwidth is low, DropDueToSize

    2022/8/6 23:27:09 人评论 次浏览
  • How to Adjust the TCP Window Size Limit on Linux

    iPerf is a bandwidth testing tool that many networking folks use for stress testing their networks, but also for troubleshooting. For some iPerf basics, take a look at some of these past posts: Raspberry Pi and Distributed Network Monitoring: IperfNet…

    2022/3/2 7:16:30 人评论 次浏览