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查询Tags标签: cheapest,共有 2条记录
  • Boruvka最小生成树代码

    1 // Boruvkas algorithm to find Minimum Spanning2 // Tree of a given connected, undirected and3 // weighted graph4 #include <stdio.h>5 6 // a structure to represent a weighted edge in graph7 struct Edge8 {9 int src, dest, weight;10 };11 12 /…

    2021/8/29 6:06:36 人评论 次浏览
  • Boruvka最小生成树代码

    1 // Boruvkas algorithm to find Minimum Spanning2 // Tree of a given connected, undirected and3 // weighted graph4 #include <stdio.h>5 6 // a structure to represent a weighted edge in graph7 struct Edge8 {9 int src, dest, weight;10 };11 12 /…

    2021/8/29 6:06:36 人评论 次浏览