查询Tags标签: copied,共有 2条记录-
问题解决:Pycharm一直卡在Uploading PyCharm helpers && Python Interpreter... Python helpers are not copied yet
问题描述 今天重启了下电脑,突然发现pycharm会一直卡在下面这个地方 运行py文件会报错,“Python helpers are not copied yet to the remote host. Please wait until remote interpreter” 看到有个博客说把C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2017.2.3中的skeletons…
2021/9/19 9:04:48 人评论 次浏览 -
问题解决:Pycharm一直卡在Uploading PyCharm helpers && Python Interpreter... Python helpers are not copied yet
问题描述 今天重启了下电脑,突然发现pycharm会一直卡在下面这个地方 运行py文件会报错,“Python helpers are not copied yet to the remote host. Please wait until remote interpreter” 看到有个博客说把C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2017.2.3中的skeletons…
2021/9/19 9:04:48 人评论 次浏览