查询Tags标签: elevation,共有 3条记录-
Solve Warning: The elevation provided <Paper elevation={24}> is not available in the theme.
If you got the following warning:The elevation provided <Paper elevation={24}> is not available in the theme. Please make sure that `theme.shadows[24]` is defined In order to mitigate this, you can change your shadows to a dictionary instead of…
2021/10/14 23:16:16 人评论 次浏览 -
Solve Warning: The elevation provided <Paper elevation={24}> is not available in the theme.
If you got the following warning:The elevation provided <Paper elevation={24}> is not available in the theme. Please make sure that `theme.shadows[24]` is defined In order to mitigate this, you can change your shadows to a dictionary instead of…
2021/10/14 23:16:16 人评论 次浏览 -
这篇文章主要介绍了 android5.x中的阴影效果elevation和translationZ的相关资料,需要的朋友可以参考下
2019/7/7 21:03:12 人评论 次浏览