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查询Tags标签: energy,共有 8条记录
  • bus

    A bus (contracted from omnibus, with variants multibus, motorbus, autobus, etc.) is a road vehicle designed to carry many passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type is the single-deck rigid bus, with larger l…

    2022/2/28 6:26:08 人评论 次浏览
  • 数据库迁移

    数据库迁移备份 BACKUP DATABASE Energy TO DISK = c:\databak\data.bakRESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = c:\databak\data.bak还原数据库RESTORE DATABASE pro_dataFROM DISK =c:\databak\data.bak WITH MOVE Energy TO C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.…

    2022/2/7 19:23:49 人评论 次浏览
  • 天天向上的能力B

    """天天向上的能量""" N = eval(input())energy_1 = pow(1+N/1000,365)energy_2 = pow(1-N/1000,365)p = int(energy_1/energy_2)print("{:.2f},{:.2f},{:}".format(energy_1,energy_2,p)) 学号:2020310143012 昵称:苒若

    2021/9/13 6:05:20 人评论 次浏览
  • 天天向上的能力B

    """天天向上的能量""" N = eval(input())energy_1 = pow(1+N/1000,365)energy_2 = pow(1-N/1000,365)p = int(energy_1/energy_2)print("{:.2f},{:.2f},{:}".format(energy_1,energy_2,p)) 学号:2020310143012 昵称:苒若

    2021/9/13 6:05:20 人评论 次浏览
  • daily pattern AD

    Thinkings:Anomalous patterns may represent anomalous events. what does an anomalous pattern mean in energy consumption?W measurement/manual operation errors, instrument failure, XX human activities. 比如窃电行为,偷入住行为。what is the necessity of …

    2021/9/9 6:05:58 人评论 次浏览
  • daily pattern AD

    Thinkings:Anomalous patterns may represent anomalous events. what does an anomalous pattern mean in energy consumption?W measurement/manual operation errors, instrument failure, XX human activities. 比如窃电行为,偷入住行为。what is the necessity of …

    2021/9/9 6:05:58 人评论 次浏览
  • [AT ZONe Energy Programming Contest] MAD TEAM

    前言 这里有一个不太优秀但是很好打的做法。 先说时间复杂度:\(O(15*n^2)\)。如果想看更优时间复杂度,请移步木示木干的博客。 题目 AtCoder 题目大意: \(N\) 个人,每个人有五个能力值 \(A_i,B_i,C_i,D_i,E_i\),我们要从中选出三个人成为一个组,一个组中一种能力的能…

    2021/5/2 10:25:15 人评论 次浏览
  • John Forman:【20级社科院杜兰能源管理硕士MME】Energy Modeling

    时间:2021.04.30地点:网络授课John Forman美国杜兰大学弗里曼商学院教授 Oil and Gas Marketing Manager of PetroQuest Energy Inc.教育经历 EDUCATION Mr. Foreman earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana State University and…

    2021/4/30 18:29:02 人评论 次浏览