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查询Tags标签: exits,共有 2条记录
  • 1046 Shortest Distance (20 分)

    1. 题目 The task is really simple: given N exits on a highway which forms a simple cycle, you are supposed to tell the shortest distance between any pair of exits. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first l…

    2021/10/28 23:17:16 人评论 次浏览
  • 1046 Shortest Distance (20 分)

    1. 题目 The task is really simple: given N exits on a highway which forms a simple cycle, you are supposed to tell the shortest distance between any pair of exits. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first l…

    2021/10/28 23:17:16 人评论 次浏览