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查询Tags标签: him,共有 7条记录
  • CF1651B Prove Him Wrong 题解

    CF1651B Prove Him Wrong 题解 题意 一道构造题,对于一个数组 \(a\), 要求任意的 \(i, j(i\neq j)\) 都满足 \(i = j = |i-j|\) 后,数组的总和不会减小,输出这样的数组。 Solution 不妨设这个数组是有序的。首先关注 \(a_0\) 和 \(a_1\)。 用数学语言转化一下要求 \[|…

    2022/3/19 23:28:14 人评论 次浏览
  • 结构体之指针操作(内含嵌套结构用法)

    #include<stdio.h> #define LEN 20 struct names{/*这里的strucr names可以理解成 我们使用的int 只是一个类型*/char first[LEN];char last[LEN]; };struct guy{struct names handle; char favfood[LEN];char job[LEN];float income; }; int main(voi…

    2022/1/27 23:08:49 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.71

    Who betrayed William Wallace in the end, is not quite certain. That he was betrayed - probably by an attendant [侍从] - is too true. He was taken to the Castle of Dumbarton, under Sir John Menteith, and thence [从那里] to London, where the great fame …

    2021/12/30 23:39:05 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.71

    Who betrayed William Wallace in the end, is not quite certain. That he was betrayed - probably by an attendant [侍从] - is too true. He was taken to the Castle of Dumbarton, under Sir John Menteith, and thence [从那里] to London, where the great fame …

    2021/12/30 23:39:05 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.19

    The King was at first as blind and stubborn as kings usually have been whensoever [每当] they have been in the hands of monks. But the people rallied so thickly round the old Earl and his son, and the old Earl was so steady in demanding without bloods…

    2021/11/14 23:09:57 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.19

    The King was at first as blind and stubborn as kings usually have been whensoever [每当] they have been in the hands of monks. But the people rallied so thickly round the old Earl and his son, and the old Earl was so steady in demanding without bloods…

    2021/11/14 23:09:57 人评论 次浏览
  • 06 机器学习 - 朴素贝叶斯分类算法(案例一)

    需求 以在线社区的留言板为例。为了不影响社区的发展,我们要屏蔽侮辱性的言论,所以要构建一个快速过滤器,如果某条留言使用了负面或者侮辱性的语言,那么就将该留言标识为内容不当。过滤这类内容是一个很常见的需求。对此问题建立两个类别:侮辱类和非侮辱类,使用1和0…

    2021/7/8 11:11:55 人评论 次浏览