查询Tags标签: k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts,共有 2条记录-
redis (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Redis 存取类型不一致错误localhost:6381> hset k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts fx 33s (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value localhost:6381> type k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts string localhost:6381> get k1…
2021/10/30 19:16:35 人评论 次浏览 -
redis (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Redis 存取类型不一致错误localhost:6381> hset k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts fx 33s (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value localhost:6381> type k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts string localhost:6381> get k1…
2021/10/30 19:16:35 人评论 次浏览