查询Tags标签: peer0,共有 4条记录-
目录runAPP.sh代码分析docker-compose.yamltestAPIs.shBalance transferPrerequisites and setup:ArtifactsRunning the sample programOption 1:Terminal Window 1Terminal Window 2Terminal Window 3Option 2:Terminal Window 1Terminal Window 2Sample REST APIs Reque…
2022/9/2 14:23:07 人评论 次浏览 -
Fabric-sdk-java 实例化报错
在学习Fabric -sdk -java 时,使用 ChaincodeInstantiated() 方法报错public void ChaincodeInstantiated() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException, InvalidArgumentException, CryptoExcepti…
2021/12/22 11:21:42 人评论 次浏览 -
Fabric-sdk-java 实例化报错
在学习Fabric -sdk -java 时,使用 ChaincodeInstantiated() 方法报错public void ChaincodeInstantiated() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException, InvalidArgumentException, CryptoExcepti…
2021/12/22 11:21:42 人评论 次浏览 -
Hyperledger Fabric ./byfn.sh -m up -s couchdb Error peer0.org1 failed to join the channel
一、报错 ./byfn.sh -m up -s couchdb shijianfeng@ubuntu:~/fabric-samples/first-network$ ./byfn.sh -m up -s couchdbStarting with channel mychannel and CLI timeout of 10 seconds and CLI delay of 3 seconds and using database couchdb Continue? [Y/n] pro…
2021/6/17 12:26:20 人评论 次浏览