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查询Tags标签: phoneproductcode,共有 2条记录
  • sql server NEWID() 踩坑记

    记录下踩过的坑... 该语句查询的结果集不一致SELECT * FROM dbo.new_phonecodeBase WHERE statecode=0 and new_phonecodeId <> NEWID() and new_phoneproductcode=5650730 建议更换用法SELECT * FROM dbo.new_phonecodeBase WHERE statecode=0 and new_phonecod…

    2021/10/19 19:12:08 人评论 次浏览
  • sql server NEWID() 踩坑记

    记录下踩过的坑... 该语句查询的结果集不一致SELECT * FROM dbo.new_phonecodeBase WHERE statecode=0 and new_phonecodeId <> NEWID() and new_phoneproductcode=5650730 建议更换用法SELECT * FROM dbo.new_phonecodeBase WHERE statecode=0 and new_phonecod…

    2021/10/19 19:12:08 人评论 次浏览