2021/10/26 12:40:16
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ 一切皆对象 """ def hi(name='mecexia'): return "hi " + name print(hi()) # 将一个函数赋值给一个变量 greet = hi # 这里没有使用小括号,因为并不是要调用hi函数,而是要定义一个greet函数,如 print(greet) print('-----') print(greet()) # 将一个函数值赋给一个变量 greet1 = hi() # 这里是调用函数,打印如下 print(greet1) #print(greet1()) # 函数打印,报TypeError # 如果删掉旧的hi函数,看会发生什么! del hi #print(hi()) # 报NameError # 再打印greet变量看看 print(greet) print(greet()) print('----') print(greet1) # 小结:也就是说,把一个函数赋值给一个变量后,即使删除原函数,被定义的函数仍生效 """ 在函数中定义函数 """ def hi2(name='mecexia'): print('now you are inside the hi() function') def greet2(): return ('now you are in the greet() function') def welcome2(): return ('now you are in the welcome() function') print(greet2()) print(welcome2()) print('now you are back in the hi() function') hi2() # 无论何时调用hi(),greet2(),welcome2()将会同时被调用 # 调用函数中定义的函数看看 print('----') #greet2() # 报NameError # 小结:也就是说,在函数中定义的函数,是跟随外层函数调用而调用的,在外部是无法被调用的 """ 从函数中返回函数 """ def hi3(name='mecexia1'): def greet3(): return ('now you are in the greet() function') def welcome3(): return ('now you are in the welcome() function') if name == 'mecexia': return greet3 else: return welcome3 a = hi3() print(a) print('=====') print(a()) print('++++++') print(hi3()()) # 小结:在函数中返回的函数,如果不带括号,函数就不会被执行,只是赋值 """ 将函数作为参数传给另一个函数 """ def hi4(): return('hi mece') def doSomethingBeforeHi(func): print('I am doing some boring work before executing hi4()') print(func()) doSomethingBeforeHi(hi4) # 小结:函数名可以被作为一个参数传递给另一个函数,调用时加上括号即可。 # 现在已具备学习装饰器的必需知识了,装饰器让你在一个函数的前后去执行代码??? """ 你的第一个装饰器 """ def a_new_decorator(a_func): def wrapTheFunction(): print('I am doing some boring work before executing a_func()') a_func() print('I am doing some boring work after executing a_func()') return wrapTheFunction def a_function_requiring_decoration(): print('I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my smell') a_function_requiring_decoration() print('======') a_function_requiring_decoration = a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decoration) # 现在a_function_requiring_decoration就被包裹在wrapTheFunction()函数中了 # 调用装饰器函数 a_function_requiring_decoration() # 小结;这正是python中装饰器做的事情!它们封装一个函数,并且用这样或者那样的方式来修改它的行为。 # 现在你或许疑惑,代码里面并没有使用 @ 符号,那只是用简短的代码生成一个被装饰的函数,这里我们如何使用@来运行之前的代码: print('--------') @a_new_decorator def a_function_requring_decoration1(): """Hey you! Decorate me!""" print('a_new_decorator') a_function_requring_decoration1() # 小结:@a_new_decorator作为装饰器,来装饰被调函数a_function_requring_decoration1 # 等价于 a_function_requiring_decoration = a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decoration) print('-------') print(a_function_requring_decoration1.__name__) # 输出wrapTheFunction,这里的函数被它给替代了。它重写了我们函数的名字和注释文档(docstring)。幸运的是python给我们 # 提供一个简单的函数来解决这个问题,那就是functools.wraps。我们修改上个例子来使用functools.wraps: print('------') from functools import wraps def a_new_decorator2(a_func): @wraps(a_func) def wrapTheFunction(): print('I am doing some boring work before executing a_func()') a_func() print('I am doing some boring work after executing a_func()') return wrapTheFunction @a_new_decorator2 def a_function_requiring_decoration2(): """Hey yo! Decorate me!""" print('a_new_decorator2') print(a_function_requiring_decoration2.__name__)
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