2021/11/27 22:12:13
DEL = 8 READ = 4 WRITE = 2 EXE = 1 userpermission = 9 def check(x, y): print("最外层函数被调用了") def handle(fn): print("handle函数被调用了") def do_ction(): if x & y != 0: fn() return do_ction return handle @check(userpermission, READ) def read(): print("可以读") @check(userpermission, DEL) def _del(): print("可以删除") @check(userpermission, WRITE) def _write(): print("可以写") @check(userpermission, EXE) def exe(): print("可以运行") read() _del() _write() exe() # 装饰器写了必须调用函数才会执行最里层的代码
def can_play(clock=12): print("最外层函数被调用了,clock={}".format(clock)) def handle_action(fn): print("handle_action被调用了") def do_action(x,y): print(x,y) if clock>23: print("太晚了,不能玩游戏了") else: fn(x,y) print("可以玩游戏") return do_action return handle_action @can_play(22) # 1.调用can_play函数,并将22传递给clock # 2.调用handle_actio函数,把play传递给fn # 3.最后调用play函数其实调用的是do_action def play(name, game): print(name + "正在玩" + game + "游戏") play("张三", "王者荣耀")
from import Iterable class Person(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x self.count = 0 def __iter__(self): return self # 只要重写了__iter__方法就是一个可迭代对象 def __next__(self): # 每一次for...in循环都会调用一次 if self.count <10: self.count +=1 return (self.x) else: raise StopIteration p = Person(100) print(isinstance(p, Iterable)) # for ...in的本质就是调用对象的__iter__方法,获取到这个方法的返回值 # 这个返回值是一个对象,然后再调用这个对象的__next__的方法 for x in p: print(x)
import time class Function(object): def __init__(self,n): self.num1, self.num2 = 1, 1 self.count = 0 self.n = n def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.count<self.n: self.count+=1 x = self.num1 self.num1, self.num2 = self.num2, self.num1 + self.num2 return x else: raise StopIteration f =Function(12) for k in f: print(k)
# with open("异常处理.py",'r',encoding='utf') as file: # print( # 不需要手动关闭文件,with关键字会帮助我们关闭文件 try: with open('异常处理.py','r',encoding="utf8") as file: print( except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e+"文件找不到") # with我们称之为上下文管理器,很多需要手动关闭的连接 # 比如 文件连接,socket连接,数据库的连接,都能使用with关键字关闭连接 # with关键字后面对象,要实现__enter__和__exit__魔法方法
# 一个函数最多只有一个return语句返回 def demo(a, b): try: x = a / b except ZeroDivisionError as e: print(e) else: return x finally: return 'good' # 如果函数里面有finally,finally里的返回值会覆盖之前的反回值 print(demo(2, 5)) # good
# 健壮性:很多编程语言都有异常处理机制 def div(a, b): return a / b try: x = div(5, 2) file = open('ddd.txt') print( file.close() # except Exception as e 给异常起了一个变量名 # except Exception as e: # 如果程序出错了,会立刻跳转到except语句 # print("程序出错了") except (FileNotFoundError,ZeroDivisionError) as e: # 处理指定类型的异常 print(e) else: print(x) # 只要执行了except语句,就把不会执行else语句
# 系统内置异常 # ZerroDivisionError:除数为0的异常 # FileNotFoundError:文件不存在异常 # FileExistError:多次创建同名的文件夹 # ValueError:int('hello') # KeyError:如:字典里没有相应的属性,用[]获取相应的键所报的异常 class MyError(Exception): def __init__(self): print("密码长度不正确") if __name__ == '__main__': password = input('请输入密码:') if 12 >= len(password) >= 6: print("密码正确") else: # 使用raise关键字可以抛出一个异常 raise MyError
# with语句后面的结果对象,需要重写__enter__和__exit__方法 # 当进入with代码块时,会自动调用__enter__方法里的代码 # 当with代码块执行完以后,会自动调用__exit__方法 class Demo(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def create_obj(): x =Demo() return x with create_obj() as d: # as 变量名 # 变量d不是create_obj的返回结果 # 它是创建的对象x调用__enter__之后的返回结果 print(d)
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