【UE4 C++】动态修改材质参数
2021/12/2 11:06:27
本文主要是介绍【UE4 C++】动态修改材质参数,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 注意GC,例如在slate调用时,可能会一段时间后由此造成材质丢失或系统崩溃
//头文件 UMaterialInstanceDynamic* PointerMaterial; UMaterialInstanceDynamic* MiniMapmatInstDynamic; //构造函数调用 static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMaterialInstance> StaticPointMaterialIns(TEXT("MaterialInstanceConstant'/Game/Material/M_PointInst.M_PointInst'")); PointerMaterial = (UMaterialInstanceDynamic*)StaticPointMaterialIns.Object; // 普通函数调用 static UMaterialInterface* MiniMapmatInst = LoadObject<UMaterialInterface>(NULL, TEXT("MaterialInstanceConstant'/Game/Material/M_MiniMapInst.M_MiniMapInst'")); UMaterialInstanceDynamic MiniMapmatInstDynamic = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(MiniMapmatInst, nullptr); // 设置参数 PointerMaterial->SetScalarParameterValue(FName("Range"), Range); MiniMapmatInstDynamic->SetTextureParameterValue(FName("MiniMapTex"), MiniMapRender);
为UStaticMeshComponent 创建
/** * Creates a Dynamic Material Instance for the specified element index. The parent of the instance is set to the material being replaced. * @param ElementIndex - The index of the skin to replace the material for. If invalid, the material is unchanged and NULL is returned. */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "CreateMIDForElement", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage="Use CreateDynamicMaterialInstance instead."), Category="Rendering|Material") virtual class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceDynamic(int32 ElementIndex); /** * Creates a Dynamic Material Instance for the specified element index. The parent of the instance is set to the material being replaced. * @param ElementIndex - The index of the skin to replace the material for. If invalid, the material is unchanged and NULL is returned. */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "CreateMIDForElementFromMaterial", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage="Use CreateDynamicMaterialInstance instead."), Category="Rendering|Material") virtual class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceDynamicFromMaterial(int32 ElementIndex, class UMaterialInterface* Parent); /** * Creates a Dynamic Material Instance for the specified element index, optionally from the supplied material. * @param ElementIndex - The index of the skin to replace the material for. If invalid, the material is unchanged and NULL is returned. */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Material") virtual class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(int32 ElementIndex, class UMaterialInterface* SourceMaterial = NULL, FName OptionalName = NAME_None);
UMaterialInstanceDynamic 源码
UCLASS(hidecategories=Object, collapsecategories, BlueprintType) class ENGINE_API UMaterialInstanceDynamic : public UMaterialInstance { GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY() /** Set a MID scalar (float) parameter value */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(Keywords = "SetFloatParameterValue"), Category="Rendering|Material") void SetScalarParameterValue(FName ParameterName, float Value); /** Set a MID scalar (float) parameter value using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Keywords = "SetFloatParameterValue"), Category = "Rendering|Material") void SetScalarParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo, float Value); // NOTE: These Index-related functions should be used VERY carefully, and only in cases where optimization is // critical. Generally that's only if you're using an unusually high number of parameters in a material AND // setting a huge number of parameters in the same frame. // Use this function to set an initial value and fetch the index for use in the following function. bool InitializeScalarParameterAndGetIndex(const FName& ParameterName, float Value, int32& OutParameterIndex); // Use the cached value of OutParameterIndex above to set the scalar parameter ONLY on the exact same MID bool SetScalarParameterByIndex(int32 ParameterIndex, float Value); // Use this function to set an initial value and fetch the index for use in the following function. bool InitializeVectorParameterAndGetIndex(const FName& ParameterName, const FLinearColor& Value, int32& OutParameterIndex); // Use the cached value of OutParameterIndex above to set the vector parameter ONLY on the exact same MID bool SetVectorParameterByIndex(int32 ParameterIndex, const FLinearColor& Value); /** Get the current scalar (float) parameter value from an MID */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "GetScalarParameterValue", ScriptName = "GetScalarParameterValue", Keywords = "GetFloatParameterValue"), Category="Rendering|Material") float K2_GetScalarParameterValue(FName ParameterName); /** Get the current scalar (float) parameter value from an MID, using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (DisplayName = "GetScalarParameterValueByInfo", ScriptName = "GetScalarParameterValueByInfo", Keywords = "GetFloatParameterValue"), Category = "Rendering|Material") float K2_GetScalarParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo); /** Set an MID texture parameter value */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Material") void SetTextureParameterValue(FName ParameterName, class UTexture* Value); /** Set an MID texture parameter value using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Material") void SetTextureParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo, class UTexture* Value); /** Get the current MID texture parameter value */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "GetTextureParameterValue", ScriptName = "GetTextureParameterValue"), Category="Rendering|Material") class UTexture* K2_GetTextureParameterValue(FName ParameterName); /** Get the current MID texture parameter value, using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (DisplayName = "GetTextureParameterValueByInfo", ScriptName = "GetTextureParameterValueByInfo"), Category = "Rendering|Material") class UTexture* K2_GetTextureParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo); /** Set an MID vector parameter value */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(Keywords = "SetColorParameterValue"), Category="Rendering|Material") void SetVectorParameterValue(FName ParameterName, FLinearColor Value); /** Set an MID vector parameter value, using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Keywords = "SetColorParameterValue"), Category = "Rendering|Material") void SetVectorParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo, FLinearColor Value); /** Get the current MID vector parameter value */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "GetVectorParameterValue", ScriptName = "GetVectorParameterValue", Keywords = "GetColorParameterValue"), Category="Rendering|Material") FLinearColor K2_GetVectorParameterValue(FName ParameterName); /** Get the current MID vector parameter value, using MPI (to allow access to layer parameters) */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (DisplayName = "GetVectorParameterValueByInfo", ScriptName = "GetVectorParameterValueByInfo", Keywords = "GetColorParameterValue"), Category = "Rendering|Material") FLinearColor K2_GetVectorParameterValueByInfo(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo); /** * Interpolates the scalar and vector parameters of this material instance based on two other material instances, and an alpha blending factor * The output is the object itself (this). * Supports the case SourceA==this || SourceB==this * Both material have to be from the same base material * @param SourceA value that is used for Alpha=0, silently ignores the case if 0 * @param SourceB value that is used for Alpha=1, silently ignores the case if 0 * @param Alpha usually in the range 0..1, values outside the range extrapolate */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "InterpolateMaterialInstanceParameters", ScriptName = "InterpolateMaterialInstanceParameters"), Category="Rendering|Material") void K2_InterpolateMaterialInstanceParams(UMaterialInstance* SourceA, UMaterialInstance* SourceB, float Alpha); /** * Copies over parameters given a material interface (copy each instance following the hierarchy) * Very slow implementation, avoid using at runtime. Hopefully we can replace it later with something like CopyInterpParameters() * The output is the object itself (this). Copying 'quick parameters only' will result in a much * faster copy process but will only copy dynamic scalar, vector and texture parameters on clients. * @param bQuickParametersOnly Copy scalar, vector and texture parameters only. Much faster but may not include required data */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "CopyMaterialInstanceParameters", ScriptName = "CopyMaterialInstanceParameters"), Category="Rendering|Material") void K2_CopyMaterialInstanceParameters(UMaterialInterface* Source, bool bQuickParametersOnly = false); /** * Copies the uniform parameters (scalar, vector and texture) from a material or instance hierarchy. * This will typically be faster than parsing all expressions but still slow as it must walk the full * material hierarchy as each parameter may be overridden at any level in the chain. * Note: This will not copy static or font parameters */ void CopyMaterialUniformParameters(UMaterialInterface* Source); /** * Copies over parameters given a material instance (only copy from the instance, not following the hierarchy) * much faster than K2_CopyMaterialInstanceParameters(), * The output is the object itself (this). * @param Source ignores the call if 0 */ UFUNCTION(meta=(DisplayName = "CopyInterpParameters"), Category="Rendering|Material") void CopyInterpParameters(UMaterialInstance* Source); /** * Create a material instance dynamic parented to the specified material. */ static UMaterialInstanceDynamic* Create(class UMaterialInterface* ParentMaterial, class UObject* InOuter); /** * Create a material instance dynamic parented to the specified material with the specified name. */ static UMaterialInstanceDynamic* Create( class UMaterialInterface* ParentMaterial, class UObject* InOuter, FName Name ); /** * Set the value of the given font parameter. * @param ParameterName - The name of the font parameter * @param OutFontValue - New font value to set for this MIC * @param OutFontPage - New font page value to set for this MIC */ void SetFontParameterValue(const FMaterialParameterInfo& ParameterInfo, class UFont* FontValue, int32 FontPage); /** Remove all parameter values */ void ClearParameterValues(); /** * Copy parameter values from another material instance. This will copy only * parameters explicitly overridden in that material instance!! */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "CopyParameterOverrides"), Category="Rendering|Material") void CopyParameterOverrides(UMaterialInstance* MaterialInstance); /** * Copy all interpolatable (scalar/vector) parameters from *SourceMaterialToCopyFrom to *this, using the current QualityLevel and given FeatureLevel * For runtime use. More specialized and efficient than CopyMaterialInstanceParameters(). */ void CopyScalarAndVectorParameters(const UMaterialInterface& SourceMaterialToCopyFrom, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel); virtual bool HasOverridenBaseProperties()const override{ return false; } //Material base property overrides. MIDs cannot override these so they just grab from their parent. virtual float GetOpacityMaskClipValue() const override; virtual bool GetCastDynamicShadowAsMasked() const override; virtual FMaterialShadingModelField GetShadingModels() const override; virtual bool IsShadingModelFromMaterialExpression() const override; virtual EBlendMode GetBlendMode() const override; virtual bool IsTwoSided() const override; virtual bool IsDitheredLODTransition() const override; virtual bool IsMasked() const override; /** * In order to remap to the correct texture streaming data, we must keep track of each texture renamed. * The following map converts from a texture from the dynamic material to the texture from the static material. * The following map converts from a texture from the dynamic material to the texture from the static material. */ TMap<FName, TArray<FName> > RenamedTextures; // This overrides does the remapping before looking at the parent data. virtual float GetTextureDensity(FName TextureName, const struct FMeshUVChannelInfo& UVChannelData) const override; };
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