2021/12/4 14:17:06
''' 新手刚学python,仿着老师敲的代码。 1、敌方飞机只能左右徘徊(不会往下跑)并且不会发射子弹。 2、正在研究怎么写计分。 3、也参考了不少大佬的代码,但也仅仅只是参考了。 加油! '''
import pygame from pygame.locals import * import time # 子弹类 class Bullet(object): # 初始化子弹属性:xy坐标、窗口、子弹图片 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x, y): self.x = x--18 self.y = y-15 self.screen = screen_temp self.image = pygame.image.load("zd.png") # 子弹显示 def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) # 子弹移动,y -= 10 def move(self): self.y -= 10 # 判断子弹是否越界 def judge(self): if self.y < 0: return True else: return False # 玩家飞机类 class Aircraft_obj(object): # 初始化玩家飞机属性:坐标、窗口、子弹列表对象 def __init__(self, screen_temp): self.x = 190 self.y = 650 self.screen = screen_temp self.image = pygame.image.load("FeiJi.jpeg") self.bullet_list = [] # 显示玩家飞机图片,for循环显示发射子弹,如越界则删除子弹 def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) for bullet in self.bullet_list: bullet.display() bullet.move() if bullet.judge(): self.bullet_list.remove(bullet) # 玩家飞机移动 def move_left(self): if self.x < 10: pass else: self.x -= 10 def move_right(self): if self.x > 480-100-10: pass else: self.x += 10 def move_up(self): if self.y < 10: pass else: self.y -= 10 def move_down(self): if self.y > 650: pass else: self.y += 10 # 将子弹储存在发射列表中 def fire(self): self.bullet_list.append(Bullet(self.screen, self.x, self.y)) # 敌机类 class EnemyPlane(object): # 初始化敌机属性:坐标、窗口、图片、移动反向、是否爆炸、爆炸图片列表 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.screen = screen_temp self.image = pygame.image.load("DiJi.jpg") self.direction = 'right' self.hit = False self.bomb_lists = [] self.__crate_images() self.image_num = 0 self.image_index = 0 # 敌机左右移动 def move(self): if self.hit == True: pass else: if self.direction == 'right': self.x += 5 elif self.direction == 'left': self.x -= 5 if self.x > 420-50: self.direction = 'left' elif self.x < 0: self.direction = 'right' # 添加爆炸图片列表 def __crate_images(self): self.bomb_lists.append(pygame.image.load("baozha.png")) self.bomb_lists.append(pygame.image.load("baozha.png")) self.bomb_lists.append(pygame.image.load("baozha.png")) self.bomb_lists.append(pygame.image.load("baozha.png")) # 判断是否爆炸 def blast(self, x1, x2, y): if((x1>=self.x and x2<=self.x+51) or x2==self.x or x1==self.x+51) and y<39: self.hit = True # 显示爆炸效果或正常图片,利用循环和sleep()暂停让用户看清 def display(self): if self.hit == True: self.screen.blit(self.bomb_lists[self.image_index], (self.x, self.y)) self.image_num += 1 if self.image_num == 7: self.image_num = 0 self.image_index += 1 if self.image_index > 3: # 暂停1秒 time.sleep(1) exit() else: self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) # 检查键盘输入函数 def key_control(aircraft_temp): for event in pygame.event.get(): # 退出 if event.type == QUIT: print("exit") exit() # 键盘按下事件 elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # 按下a或←,调用玩家飞机向左移动方法 if event.key == K_a or event.key == K_LEFT: print("left") aircraft_temp.move_left() # 按下d或→,,调用玩家飞机发射子弹方法 elif event.key == K_d or event.key == K_RIGHT: print("right") aircraft_temp.move_right() elif event.key == K_w or event.key == K_UP: print("up") aircraft_temp.move_up() # 按下d或→,,调用玩家飞机发射子弹方法 elif event.key == K_s or event.key == K_DOWN: print("down") aircraft_temp.move_down() # 按下空格,调用玩家飞机发射子弹方法 elif event.key == K_SPACE: print("space") # 得分系统 def score(): pass # 主函数 def main(): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("飞机大战") screen = pygame.display.set_mode((420,700), 0, 32) background = pygame.image.load('bj.png') # 创建玩家飞机对象 aircraft = Aircraft_obj(screen) enemy = EnemyPlane(screen,0,0) enemy2 = EnemyPlane(screen,100,0) # 游戏音效 sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("时光洪流.mp3")"时光洪流.mp3"), 0.0) while True: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) aircraft.display() # 遍历子弹,找到坐标,判断是否与敌机相逢 for bullet in aircraft.bullet_list: x1 = bullet.x x2 = bullet.x+22 y1 = bullet.y enemy.blast(x1, x2, y1) enemy.display() enemy2.display() enemy.move() enemy2.move() pygame.display.update() key_control(aircraft) # 暂停0.01秒 time.sleep(0.01) main()
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