admire, admit

2021/12/4 23:48:17

本文主要是介绍admire, admit,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!


当别人admire你时,小心掉进泥潭(mire)。词源:to wonder. wonderful夸人,awful骂人,awesome夸人。admiral与admire词源不同,碰巧长得像。

近/反义词: adore, awe, esteem; abhor, detest

1. If you admire sb from afar, you are attracted to them without letting them know.
2. If you have a crush on sb, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them.


近/反义词: accept, agree, allow; deny, evict

1. "Admit it! I'm right, aren't I?" yelled Sheldon.
2. Penny openly admits (to) having an alcohol problem.
3. Howard refuses to admit crashing the Mars Rover.
4. Only Wil Wheaton and his friends are admitted into the theater.
5. Amy wasn't admitted into the sorority.
6. Rachel was reluctantly admitted to (the) hospital.
7. Both Howard and Raj wouldn't admit defeat.
8. If A admits of B, B can be accepted as possible. e.g. The conduct admits of no excuse.
9. If you are admitted to sb's presence, you are allowed to enter the room where sb important is.

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