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查询Tags标签: them,共有 11条记录
  • Qt6 QML Book/Qt for Python/局限性

    Limitations 局限性 At the moment, there are some things that are not easily available. One of them is that you cannot easily create QML plugins using Python. Instead you need to import the Python QML “modules” into your Python program and then use q…

    2022/2/4 17:12:32 人评论 次浏览
  • admire, admit

    admire 当别人admire你时,小心掉进泥潭(mire)。词源:to wonder. wonderful夸人,awful骂人,awesome夸人。admiral与admire词源不同,碰巧长得像。 近/反义词: adore, awe, esteem; abhor, detest 1. If you admire sb from afar, you are attracted to them without let…

    2021/12/4 23:48:17 人评论 次浏览
  • admire, admit

    admire 当别人admire你时,小心掉进泥潭(mire)。词源:to wonder. wonderful夸人,awful骂人,awesome夸人。admiral与admire词源不同,碰巧长得像。 近/反义词: adore, awe, esteem; abhor, detest 1. If you admire sb from afar, you are attracted to them without let…

    2021/12/4 23:48:17 人评论 次浏览
  • CF1416B Make Them Equal

    CF1416B Make Them Equal 题意: 一个数列 \(a_1 , a_2 ... a_n\) 。\((a_i \geqslant 1)\) 每次可以选一个三元组 \((x , y , z)\) 且 \(x\) 非负 ,\(a_i -= x \cdot i\) , \(a_j += x \cdot i\) 。并且操作完之后必须保证所有 \(a_i\) 非负。 要求用不超过 \(3n\) 次操…

    2021/10/15 6:14:56 人评论 次浏览
  • CF1416B Make Them Equal

    CF1416B Make Them Equal 题意: 一个数列 \(a_1 , a_2 ... a_n\) 。\((a_i \geqslant 1)\) 每次可以选一个三元组 \((x , y , z)\) 且 \(x\) 非负 ,\(a_i -= x \cdot i\) , \(a_j += x \cdot i\) 。并且操作完之后必须保证所有 \(a_i\) 非负。 要求用不超过 \(3n\) 次操…

    2021/10/15 6:14:56 人评论 次浏览
  • 1.3 Starting a New Job 1.3.4 Sample Test(III)

    Part Three: Collaborative task and discussionYour company is planning a new employee orientation program. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the things that will give the new employees a successful start and decide which three are the most import…

    2021/10/12 6:15:58 人评论 次浏览
  • 1.3 Starting a New Job 1.3.4 Sample Test(III)

    Part Three: Collaborative task and discussionYour company is planning a new employee orientation program. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the things that will give the new employees a successful start and decide which three are the most import…

    2021/10/12 6:15:58 人评论 次浏览
  • JavaScript - 关闭当前窗口 - Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by them.

    前言 有2个页面 [ "Source.html", "Target.html", ]其中,Target.html页面中还有几个iframe页面, 想实现的功能是, 1.点击Source.html中的一个a标签,跳转到Target.html页面, 2.在Target.html页面操作完成之后, 点击Target.html页面中的关闭按钮,关闭Ta…

    2021/8/1 7:05:57 人评论 次浏览
  • JavaScript - 关闭当前窗口 - Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by them.

    前言 有2个页面 [ "Source.html", "Target.html", ]其中,Target.html页面中还有几个iframe页面, 想实现的功能是, 1.点击Source.html中的一个a标签,跳转到Target.html页面, 2.在Target.html页面操作完成之后, 点击Target.html页面中的关闭按钮,关闭Ta…

    2021/8/1 7:05:57 人评论 次浏览
  • UVa 1627 - Team them up! (二分图染色 + 01背包)

    题目链接: 题目大意: 将 \(n\) 个人分成两组,每组的人互相认识,每个人都在一个组中,且每个组中至少有一个人,要求两个组的人数之差尽量小,求分组方…

    2021/7/26 23:09:53 人评论 次浏览
  • UVa 1627 - Team them up! (二分图染色 + 01背包)

    题目链接: 题目大意: 将 \(n\) 个人分成两组,每组的人互相认识,每个人都在一个组中,且每个组中至少有一个人,要求两个组的人数之差尽量小,求分组方…

    2021/7/26 23:09:53 人评论 次浏览