2021/12/5 17:18:09
- 话不多说,直接贴所有代码
- 运行效果
- 需要用到的两张图片
import random import sys import tkinter as tk # 导入一个第三方库,用于制作桌面软件 import tkinter.font as tf # 数据部分 R = { "name": "R", "color": "blue", "size": "20", "font": "微软雅黑", "data": ["冷刃", "黑缨枪", "白缨枪", "翡玉法球", "飞天大御剑", "暗铁剑", "旅行剑", "钢轮弓", "吃鱼虎刀", "沾染龙血的剑", "以理服人", "异世界行记", "甲级宝钰", "翡玉法球"], "person": [] } SR = { "name": "SR", "color": "purple", "size": "20", "font": "微软雅黑", "data": ["腐殖之剑", "祭礼剑", "西风剑", "试作斩岩", "笛剑", "螭骨剑", "钢轮弓", "西风猎弓", "钢轮弓", "绝弦", "祭礼弓", "万国诸海图谱", "匣里日月", "千岩古剑", "黑岩绯玉"], "person": ["香菱", "菲谢尔", "菲谢尔", "北斗", "芭芭拉", "北斗", "凝光", "托马", "重云", "砂糖", "烟绯", "安柏", "凯亚", "丽莎", "诺艾尔"] } SSR = { "name": "SSR", "color": "yellow", "size": "20", "font": "微软雅黑", "data": ["天空之卷", "四风原典", "天空之傲", "天空之脊", "风鹰剑", "风鹰剑", "狼的末路"], "person": ["迪卢克", "七七", "琴", "莫娜", "刻晴"] } ten_count = 0 ninety_count = 0 max_count = 0 person_up = "优菈" data_up = "松籁响起之时" ALL = [R, SR, SSR] tag_id = "0" # 单抽 def one(): _res = get() count_flush(_res["level"], _res["thing"]) insert_text(conf=_res["level"], message=_res["thing"]) text.insert("end", "\n") text.see("end") # 十连抽 def ten(): text.tag_add('tag', "end") text.tag_config('tag', foreground="white") text.insert("end", "\nstart\n", 'tag') for i in range(10): one() text.insert("end", f"\nend{ten_count}/{ninety_count}/{max_count}\n", "tag") text.see("end") # 根据抽奖出的物品index获取物品等级 def found(index): for i in ALL: if pool[index] in i["person"]: return i if pool[index] in i["data"]: return i # 每次抽卡后刷新当前计数器 def count_flush(level, thing): global ten_count global ninety_count global max_count if level["name"] == "SR": ten_count = 0 if level["name"] == "SSR": ninety_count = 0 if level["name"] == "SSR" and ((thing in person_up) or (thing in data_up)): max_count = 0 # 抽卡规则 def get(): global ten_count global ninety_count global max_count level = None ten_count += 1 ninety_count += 1 max_count += 1 if ten_count == 10: level = SR if ninety_count == 90: level = SSR if level is SR or level is SSR: index = random.randrange(len(level[what])) thing = level[what][index] if max_count != ninety_count and level is SSR: level = SSR thing = person_up if what == "person" else data_up if max_count == 180: level = SSR thing = person_up if what == "person" else data_up if level is None: index = random.randrange(len(pool)) level = found(index) thing = pool[index] return { "level": level, "thing": thing } # 建立一个主窗口 root root = tk.Tk() # 设置窗口标题 root.title("原神模拟抽卡器") # 设置单抽图片 image_one = tk.PhotoImage(file="单抽图片.png") # 设置十连抽图片 image_ten = tk.PhotoImage(file="十连抽.png") # 在窗口上创建一个按钮 button,用于单抽,它依赖于父窗口root button_one = tk.Button(root, text="单抽", image=image_one, command=one) button_ten = tk.Button(root, text="十连抽", image=image_ten, command=ten) # 布局创建的按钮,rou代表行,column代表列 button_one.grid(row=0, column=0) button_ten.grid(row=0, column=1) # 创建一个文本框,用于打印抽奖日志 text = tk.Text(root, bg="black") # columnspan代表合并两列 text.grid(row=1, columnspan=2) # 添加日志到Text框 def insert_text(message, conf): global tag_id # 设置字体大小和颜色 ft = tf.Font(family=conf["font"], size=conf["size"]) text.tag_add('tag'+tag_id, "end") text.tag_config('tag'+tag_id, foreground=conf["color"], font=ft) text.insert("end", message + "\n", "tag"+tag_id) text.see("end") tag_id = str(int(tag_id) + 1) # mian函数,程序会运行这里面的东西 if __name__ == '__main__': # 修改为武器抽武器池 what = "角色" if what == "角色": what = "person" if what == "武器": what = "data" if what not in ["data", "person"]: sys.exit(1) # 把up角色和武器加入池 SSR["data"].append(data_up) SSR["person"].append(person_up) # 合并在一个总池,实现概率,可以通过算法实现,难得弄.. pool = list() for i in range(90): pool.extend(R["data"]) for i in range(10): pool.extend(SR[what]) pool.extend(SSR[what]) # 运行窗口 root.mainloop()
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