2022/2/18 22:11:38
effective python-Item 14
## Item 14: Sort by Complex Criteria Using `key` Parameter """ * Use `sort()` method to sort built-in types which has a natural ordering to them: """ numbers = [93, 46, 75, 33, 0, 23, 33] numbers.sort() print(numbers)
""" * `sort()` do not work directly on objects. You need to use `key` parameter, which accepts function: """ class Tool(): def __init__(self, name, weight): self.name = name self.weight = weight def __repr__(self): return f"Tool({self.name!r}, {self.weight})" tools = [ Tool("level", 3.5), Tool("hammer", 1.25), Tool("screwdriver", 0.5), Tool("chisel", 0.25), ] print("Unsorted:", repr(tools)) tools.sort(key=lambda x: x.name) # ordered by x.name print("\nSorted:", tools) # In[] """ * For `str` you may want to lower case each item in a list to ensure that they are in alphabetical order """ places = ["home", "work", "New York", "Paris"] places.sort() print("Case sensitive:", places) places.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower()) print("Case insensitive:", places)
* for sorting with multiple criteria you may use `key` parameter
returning `tuple` containing two attributes in required order:
tuple 实现按照多个指标进行排序的目的,先按照第一个元素排序,然后第二个,但是不管有多少个排序指标,排序的先后顺序(从小到大,从大到小等)都一样,因为reverse是作用在所有指标上的。如果某一个元素是可否定(negation),则可以在这个指标前加个-,实现顺序和reverse设定的是反过来的。但是并不是所有元素都可以这么做,比如下面例题中,x.name字符串是没办法加-进行否定的。此时就不可以这么做,但是x.weight可以,因为是数值,可以加-。此时如果你想按照两个指标进行排序,那么不能再用tuple这种方式了,你可以把各个指标分开对objects进行排序,先按照lowest的元素进行排序,再按照highest的元素进行排序。
power_tools = [ Tool('drill', 4), Tool('circular saw', 5), Tool('jackhammer', 40), Tool('sander', 4), ] power_tools.sort(key=lambda x: (x.weight, x.name)) print(power_tools) """ * Negation on `int`'s may be used to sort in different directions: """ power_tools.sort(key=lambda x: (-x.weight, x.name)) print(power_tools) """" * To combine mane sorting criteria and different directions combine `sort` function calls following way and use `reverse` for changing direction: """ power_tools.sort(key=lambda x: x.name) power_tools.sort(key=lambda x: x.weight, reverse=True) print(power_tools)
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