Oracle 11g 数据块问题处理记录

2022/6/14 2:21:19

本文主要是介绍Oracle 11g 数据块问题处理记录,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

环境:oracle rac 11g,node1和node2,java程序直接连的node1


ORA-01115: 从文件  读取块时出现 IO 错误 (块 # )
ORA-01110: 数据文件 6: '+DATA/orcl/cms.dbf'
ORA-15081: 无法将 I/O 操作提交到磁盘
ORA-27072: 文件 I/O 错误
Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error
Additional information: 4
Additional information: 43291184
Additional information: -1
01115. 00000 -  "IO error reading block from file %s (block # %s)"
*Cause:    Device on which the file resides is probably offline
*Action:   Restore access to the device




dbv file='+DATA/orcl/cms.dbf' userid=grid/grid


通过java报错定位到对应是业务表处理报错,通过select count(*) from 流程表 就会如上的错误,刚开始怀疑是磁盘满导致的,最后发现是硬盘故障,磁盘阵列有几块盘坏了。


DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Pages Examined         : 4187648
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1665462
Total Pages Failing   (Data) : 1
Total Pages Processed (Index): 1489155
Total Pages Failing   (Index): 0
Total Pages Processed (Other): 938505
Total Pages Processed (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Failing   (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Empty            : 94487
Total Pages Marked Corrupt   : 39
Total Pages Influx           : 0
Total Pages Encrypted        : 0
Highest block SCN            : 0 (0.0)



RMAN>backup check logical validate datafile 



SELECT e.owner, e.segment_type, e.segment_name, e.partition_name, c.file#
, greatest(e.block_id, c.block#) corr_start_block#
, least(e.block_id+e.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1) corr_end_block#
, least(e.block_id+e.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1)
- greatest(e.block_id, c.block#) + 1 blocks_corrupted
, null description
FROM dba_extents e, v$database_block_corruption c
WHERE e.file_id = c.file#
AND e.block_id <= c.block# + c.blocks - 1
AND e.block_id + e.blocks - 1 >= c.block#
SELECT s.owner, s.segment_type, s.segment_name, s.partition_name, c.file#
, header_block corr_start_block#
, header_block corr_end_block#
, 1 blocks_corrupted
, 'Segment Header' description
FROM dba_segments s, v$database_block_corruption c
WHERE s.header_file = c.file#
AND s.header_block between c.block# and c.block# + c.blocks - 1
SELECT null owner, null segment_type, null segment_name, null partition_name, c.file#
, greatest(f.block_id, c.block#) corr_start_block#
, least(f.block_id+f.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1) corr_end_block#
, least(f.block_id+f.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1)
- greatest(f.block_id, c.block#) + 1 blocks_corrupted
, 'Free Block' description
FROM dba_free_space f, v$database_block_corruption c
WHERE f.file_id = c.file#
AND f.block_id <= c.block# + c.blocks - 1
AND f.block_id + f.blocks - 1 >= c.block#
ORDER BY file#, corr_start_block#;






这篇关于Oracle 11g 数据块问题处理记录的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
