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查询Tags标签: his,共有 35条记录
  • NC24416 [USACO 2013 Nov G]No Change

    题目链接 题目 题目描述 Farmer John is at the market to purchase supplies for his farm. He has in his pocket K coins (1 <= K <= 16), each with value in the range 1..100,000,000. FJ would like to make a sequence of N purchases (1 <= N <= 1…

    2022/9/4 6:22:54 人评论 次浏览
  • 1018 Mondriaan's Dream 状压DP-地图型变式

    链接:来源:牛客网 题目描述Squares and rectangles fascinated the famous Dutch painter Piet Mondriaan. One night, after producing the drawings in his toilet series (where he had to use his toilet paper to d…

    2022/8/3 23:24:03 人评论 次浏览
  • LRU-K golang实现 魔改leetcode-LRU题目 微派三面

    微派三面的时候,面试官问了LRU-K,当时没实现出来,受益良多,事后去魔改了下LeetCode146-LRU题目请你设计并实现一个满足 LRU (最近最少使用) 缓存 约束的数据结构。 实现 LRUCache 类: LRUCache(int capacity) 以正整数作为容量 capacity 初始化 LRU 缓存 int get(int…

    2022/4/4 23:49:39 人评论 次浏览
  • 【六级单词】2022.3.4

    giggle -n,v -giggle about a hole in a guys head resultant -adj -deserve his resultant success emulate -v -emulate our experience autonomous -adj -autonomous individuals crackdown -n -crackdown on speeding rivalry -n -friendly rivalry between two count…

    2022/3/4 23:48:01 人评论 次浏览
  • 医院电子病历系统HIS、LIS、PACS、CIS源码

    在使用HIS、LIS、PACS、CIS 系统(住院医生工作站系统、门诊医生工作站系统)、护士工作站系统、手术麻醉管理系统、合理用药等软件系统的基础上,自2012年全面引进了电子病历运行系统。目前运行情况良好,能够将系统生成的文字、符号、图表、图形、数据、影像等数字化信息实…

    2022/2/21 12:26:32 人评论 次浏览
  • basketball.Kobe

    Kobe Bean Bryant (/ˈkoʊbiː/ KOH-bee; August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020) was an American professional basketball player. A shooting guard, he spent his entire 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers in the National Basketball Association (NBA).…

    2022/2/12 23:45:09 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.230

    Encouraged by this homage [尊荣], he proclaimed himself King, and went on to Bridgewater. But, here the Government troops, under the Earl of Feversham, were close at hand [near]; and he was so dispirited at finding that he made but [only] few powerful…

    2022/1/25 6:07:05 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.215

    The Merry Monarch was so exceedingly merry among these merry ladies, and some equally merry (and equally infamous) lords and gentlemen, that he soon got through [用完] his hundred thousand pounds, and then, by way of raising [筹集] a little pocket-mon…

    2022/1/23 23:04:42 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.183

    Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresentations of the treachery of the Spaniards in this business of the Spanish match [姻缘], that the En…

    2022/1/20 23:22:17 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.183

    Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresentations of the treachery of the Spaniards in this business of the Spanish match [姻缘], that the En…

    2022/1/20 23:22:17 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.117

    Some of the best men in power, seeing the danger of these constant changes, tried even then to prevent the Red and the White Rose Wars. They brought about a great council in London between the two parties. The White Roses assembled in Blackfriars, the…

    2022/1/10 23:07:47 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.117

    Some of the best men in power, seeing the danger of these constant changes, tried even then to prevent the Red and the White Rose Wars. They brought about a great council in London between the two parties. The White Roses assembled in Blackfriars, the…

    2022/1/10 23:07:47 人评论 次浏览
  • Leon and his Moon

    Leon and his Moon 下一站:万胜围… … … 人群凝固数十秒 小雪 湖泊 高原 夕阳下星星点点的牛羊 石巷 集市 食摊 青石板路上薄薄的晨霜 虫鸣 星星 月亮 夜幕边缘镶上的第一缕金丝 在雪山在海滩在街头 … 列车即将到达:万胜围,可换乘四号线…

    2021/12/31 6:09:10 人评论 次浏览
  • Leon and his Moon

    Leon and his Moon 下一站:万胜围… … … 人群凝固数十秒 小雪 湖泊 高原 夕阳下星星点点的牛羊 石巷 集市 食摊 青石板路上薄薄的晨霜 虫鸣 星星 月亮 夜幕边缘镶上的第一缕金丝 在雪山在海滩在街头 … 列车即将到达:万胜围,可换乘四号线…

    2021/12/31 6:09:10 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.71

    Who betrayed William Wallace in the end, is not quite certain. That he was betrayed - probably by an attendant [侍从] - is too true. He was taken to the Castle of Dumbarton, under Sir John Menteith, and thence [从那里] to London, where the great fame …

    2021/12/30 23:39:05 人评论 次浏览