2021/6/29 12:50:47
- 应届毕业生关注重点难点:找工作+租房子
- 招聘网站繁杂:拉勾网、BOSS直聘、前程无忧等
- 各个大学的就业信息网站成熟
- 租房网站众多:链家网、我爱我家等
- 仅提供信息,功能单一
- 信息分散,无法了解整体情况
- 文字、数字形式不直观
- 招聘与租房无关联
- 整合信息、统计数据
- 分区域数据可视化
- 丰富的图表呈现
- 集招聘租房于一体
因为拉勾网具有较强的反爬机制,使用user-agent和cookies封装头部信息,将爬虫程序伪装成浏览器访问网页,通过requests包的post方法进行url请求,请求成功返回json格式字符串,并使用字典方法直接读取数据,即可拿到我们想要的python职位相关的信息,可以通过读取总职位数,通过总的职位数和每页能显示的职位数.我们可以计算出总共有多少页,然后使用循环按页爬取, 最后将职位信息汇总, 写入到CSV格式的文件以及本地mysql数据库中。
import requests import math import time import pandas as pd import pymysql from sqlalchemy import create_engine def get_json(url, num): """ 从指定的url中通过requests请求携带请求头和请求体获取网页中的信息, :return: """ url1 = 'https://www.lagou.com/jobs/list_python/p-city_0?&cl=false&fromSearch=true&labelWords=&suginput=' headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36', 'Host': 'www.lagou.com', 'Referer': 'https://www.lagou.com/jobs/list_%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90?labelWords=&fromSearch=true&suginput=', 'X-Anit-Forge-Code': '0', 'X-Anit-Forge-Token': 'None', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Cookie':'user_trace_token=20210218203227-35e936a1-f40f-410d-8400-b87f9fb4be0f; _ga=GA1.2.331665492.1613651550; LGUID=20210218203230-39948353-de3f-4545-aa01-43d147708c69; LG_HAS_LOGIN=1; hasDeliver=0; privacyPolicyPopup=false; showExpriedIndex=1; showExpriedCompanyHome=1; showExpriedMyPublish=1; RECOMMEND_TIP=true; index_location_city=%E5%85%A8%E5%9B%BD; Hm_lvt_4233e74dff0ae5bd0a3d81c6ccf756e6=1613651550,1613652253,1613806244,1614497914; _putrc=52ABCFBE36E5D0BD123F89F2B170EADC; gate_login_token=ea312e017beac7fe72547a32956420b07d6d5b1816bc766035dd0f325ba92b91; JSESSIONID=ABAAAECAAEBABII8D8278DB16CB050FD656DD1816247B43; login=true; unick=%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B72933; WEBTJ-ID=20210228%E4%B8%8B%E5%8D%883:38:37153837-177e7932b7f618-05a12d1b3d5e8c-53e356a-1296000-177e7932b8071; sensorsdata2015session=%7B%7D; _gid=GA1.2.1359196614.1614497918; __lg_stoken__=bb184dd5d959320e9e61d943e802ac98a8538d44699751621e807e93fe0ffea4c1a57e923c71c93a13c90e5abda7a51873c2e488a4b9d76e67e0533fe9e14020734016c0dcf2; X_MIDDLE_TOKEN=90b85c3630b92280c3ad7a96c881482e; LGSID=20210228161834-659d6267-94a3-4a5c-9857-aaea0d5ae2ed; TG-TRACK-CODE=index_navigation; SEARCH_ID=092c1fd19be24d7cafb501684c482047; X_HTTP_TOKEN=fdb10b04b25b767756070541617f658231fd72d78b; sensorsdata2015jssdkcross=%7B%22distinct_id%22%3A%2220600756%22%2C%22first_id%22%3A%22177b521c02a552-08c4a0f886d188-73e356b-1296000-177b521c02b467%22%2C%22props%22%3A%7B%22%24latest_traffic_source_type%22%3A%22%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E6%B5%81%E9%87%8F%22%2C%22%24latest_search_keyword%22%3A%22%E6%9C%AA%E5%8F%96%E5%88%B0%E5%80%BC_%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E6%89%93%E5%BC%80%22%2C%22%24latest_referrer%22%3A%22%22%2C%22%24os%22%3A%22Linux%22%2C%22%24browser%22%3A%22Chrome%22%2C%22%24browser_version%22%3A%2288.0.4324.190%22%2C%22lagou_company_id%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22%24device_id%22%3A%22177b521c02a552-08c4a0f886d188-73e356b-1296000-177b521c02b467%22%7D; _gat=1; Hm_lpvt_4233e74dff0ae5bd0a3d81c6ccf756e6=1614507066; LGRID=20210228181106-f2d71d85-74fe-4b43-b87e-d78a33c872ad' } data = { 'first': 'true', 'pn': num, 'kd': 'BI工程师'} #得到Cookies信息 s = requests.Session() print('建立session:', s, '\n\n') s.get(url=url1, headers=headers, timeout=3) cookie = s.cookies print('获取cookie:', cookie, '\n\n') #添加请求参数以及headers、Cookies等信息进行url请求 res = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data, cookies=cookie, timeout=3) res.raise_for_status() res.encoding = 'utf-8' page_data = res.json() print('请求响应结果:', page_data, '\n\n') return page_data def get_page_num(count): """ 计算要抓取的页数,通过在拉勾网输入关键字信息,可以发现最多显示30页信息,每页最多显示15个职位信息 :return: """ page_num = math.ceil(count / 15) if page_num > 29: return 29 else: return page_num def get_page_info(jobs_list): """ 获取职位 :param jobs_list: :return: """ page_info_list = [] for i in jobs_list: # 循环每一页所有职位信息 job_info = [] job_info.append(i['companyFullName']) job_info.append(i['companyShortName']) job_info.append(i['companySize']) job_info.append(i['financeStage']) job_info.append(i['district']) job_info.append(i['positionName']) job_info.append(i['workYear']) job_info.append(i['education']) job_info.append(i['salary']) job_info.append(i['positionAdvantage']) job_info.append(i['industryField']) job_info.append(i['firstType']) job_info.append(",".join(i['companyLabelList'])) job_info.append(i['secondType']) job_info.append(i['city']) page_info_list.append(job_info) return page_info_list def unique(old_list): newList = [] for x in old_list: if x not in newList : newList.append(x) return newList def main(): connect_info = 'mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?charset=utf8'.format("root", "123456", "localhost", "3366", "lagou") engine = create_engine(connect_info) url = ' https://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?needAddtionalResult=false' first_page = get_json(url, 1) total_page_count = first_page['content']['positionResult']['totalCount'] num = get_page_num(total_page_count) total_info = [] time.sleep(10) for num in range(1, num + 1): # 获取每一页的职位相关的信息 page_data = get_json(url, num) # 获取响应json jobs_list = page_data['content']['positionResult']['result'] # 获取每页的所有python相关的职位信息 page_info = get_page_info(jobs_list) total_info += page_info print('已经爬取到第{}页,职位总数为{}'.format(num, len(total_info))) time.sleep(20) #将总数据转化为data frame再输出,然后在写入到csv格式的文件中以及本地数据库中 df = pd.DataFrame(data=unique(total_info), columns=['companyFullName', 'companyShortName', 'companySize', 'financeStage', 'district', 'positionName', 'workYear', 'education', 'salary', 'positionAdvantage', 'industryField', 'firstType', 'companyLabelList', 'secondType', 'city']) df.to_csv('bi.csv', index=True) print('职位信息已保存本地') df.to_sql(name='demo', con=engine, if_exists='append', index=False) print('职位信息已保存数据库') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import requests from pyquery import PyQuery as pq from fake_useragent import UserAgent import time import pandas as pd import random import pymysql from sqlalchemy import create_engine UA = UserAgent() headers = { 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6', 'Cookie': 'lianjia_uuid=6383a9ce-19b9-47af-82fb-e8ec386eb872; UM_distinctid=1777521dc541e1-09601796872657-53e3566-13c680-1777521dc5547a; _smt_uid=601dfc61.4fcfbc4b; _ga=GA1.2.894053512.1612577894; _jzqc=1; _jzqckmp=1; _gid=GA1.2.1480435812.1614959594; Hm_lvt_9152f8221cb6243a53c83b956842be8a=1614049202,1614959743; csrfSecret=lqKM3_19PiKkYOfJSv6ldr_c; activity_ke_com=undefined; ljisid=6383a9ce-19b9-47af-82fb-e8ec386eb872; select_nation=1; crosSdkDT2019DeviceId=-kkiavn-2dq4ie-j9ekagryvmo7rd3-qjvjm0hxo; Hm_lpvt_9152f8221cb6243a53c83b956842be8a=1615004691; sensorsdata2015jssdkcross=%7B%22distinct_id%22%3A%221777521e37421a-0e1d8d530671de-53e3566-1296000-1777521e375321%22%2C%22%24device_id%22%3A%221777521e37421a-0e1d8d530671de-53e3566-1296000-1777521e375321%22%2C%22props%22%3A%7B%22%24latest_traffic_source_type%22%3A%22%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2%E6%B5%81%E9%87%8F%22%2C%22%24latest_referrer%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2Flink%22%2C%22%24latest_referrer_host%22%3A%22www.baidu.com%22%2C%22%24latest_search_keyword%22%3A%22%E6%9C%AA%E5%8F%96%E5%88%B0%E5%80%BC%22%2C%22%24latest_utm_source%22%3A%22guanwang%22%2C%22%24latest_utm_medium%22%3A%22pinzhuan%22%2C%22%24latest_utm_campaign%22%3A%22wybeijing%22%2C%22%24latest_utm_content%22%3A%22biaotimiaoshu%22%2C%22%24latest_utm_term%22%3A%22biaoti%22%7D%7D; lianjia_ssid=7a179929-0f9a-40a4-9537-d1ddc5164864; _jzqa=1.3310829580005876700.1612577889.1615003848.1615013370.6; _jzqy=1.1612577889.1615013370.2.jzqsr=baidu|jzqct=%E9%93%BE%E5%AE%B6.jzqsr=baidu; select_city=440300; srcid=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', 'Host': 'sz.lianjia.com', 'Referer': 'https://sz.lianjia.com/zufang/', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36', } num_page = 2 class Lianjia_Crawer: def __init__(self, txt_path): super(Lianjia_Crawer, self).__init__() self.file = str(txt_path) self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['title', 'district', 'area', 'orient', 'floor', 'price', 'city']) def run(self): '''启动脚本''' connect_info = 'mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?charset=utf8'.format("root", "123456", "localhost", "3366", "lagou") engine = create_engine(connect_info) for i in range(100): url = "https://sz.lianjia.com/zufang/pg{}/".format(str(i)) self.parse_url(url) time.sleep(random.randint(2, 5)) print('正在爬取的 url 为 {}'.format(url)) print('爬取完毕!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') self.df.to_csv(self.file, encoding='utf-8') print('租房信息已保存至本地') self.df.to_sql(name='house', con=engine, if_exists='append', index=False) print('租房信息已保存数据库') def parse_url(self, url): headers['User-Agent'] = UA.chrome res = requests.get(url, headers=headers) #声明pq对象 doc = pq(res.text) for i in doc('.content__list--item .content__list--item--main'): try: pq_i = pq(i) # 房屋标题 title = pq_i('.content__list--item--title a').text() # 具体信息 houseinfo = pq_i('.content__list--item--des').text() # 行政区 address = str(houseinfo).split('/')[0] district = str(address).split('-')[0] # 房屋面积 full_area = str(houseinfo).split('/')[1] area = str(full_area)[:-1] # 朝向 orient = str(houseinfo).split('/')[2] # 楼层 floor = str(houseinfo).split('/')[-1] # 价格 price = pq_i('.content__list--item-price').text() #城市 city = '深圳' data_dict = {'title': title, 'district': district, 'area': area, 'orient': orient, 'floor': floor, 'price': price, 'city': city} self.df = self.df.append(data_dict, ignore_index=True) print([title, district, area, orient, floor, price, city]) except Exception as e: print(e) print("索引提取失败,请重试!!!!!!!!!!!!!") if __name__ =="__main__": txt_path = "zufang_shenzhen.csv" Crawer = Lianjia_Crawer(txt_path) Crawer.run() # 启动爬虫脚本
#注册用户 @app.route('/addUser',methods=['POST']) def addUser(): #服务器端获取json get_json = request.get_json() name = get_json['name'] password = get_json['password'] conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select count(*) from `user` where `username` = '" + name + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() #该昵称已存在 if (count[0][0]!= 0): table_result = {"code": 500, "msg": "该昵称已存在!"} cursor.close() else: add = conn.cursor() sql = "insert into `user`(username,password) values('"+name+"','"+password+"');" add.execute(sql) conn.commit() table_result = {"code": 200, "msg": "注册成功"} add.close() conn.close() return jsonify(table_result) #用户登录 @app.route('/loginByPassword',methods=['POST']) def loginByPassword(): get_json = request.get_json() name = get_json['name'] password = get_json['password'] conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select count(*) from `user` where `username` = '" + name +"' and password = '" + password+"';") count = cursor.fetchall() if(count[0][0] != 0): table_result = {"code": 200, "msg": name} cursor.close() else: name_cursor = conn.cursor() name_cursor.execute("select count(*) from `user` where `username` = '" + name +"';") name_count = name_cursor.fetchall() #print(name_count) if(name_count[0][0] != 0): table_result = {"code":500, "msg": "密码错误!"} else: table_result = {"code":500, "msg":"该用户不存在,请先注册!"} name_cursor.close() conn.close() print(name) return jsonify(table_result)
#个人信息修改 @app.route('/updateUserInfo',methods=['POST']) def updateUserInfo(): get_json = request.get_json() name = get_json['name'] print(name) email = get_json['email'] content = get_json['content'] address = get_json['address'] phone = get_json['phone'] conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("update `user` set email = '"+email+"',content = '"+content+"',address = '"+address+"',phone = '"+phone+"' where username = '"+ name +"';") conn.commit() table_result = {"code": 200, "msg": "更新成功!","youxiang": email, "tel": phone} cursor.close() conn.close() print(table_result) return jsonify(table_result)
#密码修改 @app.route('/updatePass',methods=['POST']) def updatePass(): get_json = request.get_json() name = get_json['name'] oldPsw = get_json['oldPsw'] newPsw = get_json['newPsw'] rePsw = get_json['rePsw'] conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select count(*) from `user` where `username` = '" + name + "' and password = '" + oldPsw+"';") count = cursor.fetchall() print(count[0][0]) #确定昵称密码对应 if (count[0][0] == 0): table_result = {"code": 500, "msg": "原始密码错误!"} cursor.close() else: updatepass = conn.cursor() sql = "update `user` set password = '"+newPsw+"' where username = '"+ name +"';" updatepass.execute(sql) conn.commit() table_result = {"code": 200, "msg": "密码修改成功!", "username": name, "new_password": newPsw} updatepass.close() conn.close() return jsonify(table_result)
@app.route('/data',methods=['GET']) def data(): limit = int(request.args['limit']) page = int(request.args['page']) page = (page-1)*limit conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou',charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() if (len(request.args) == 2): cursor.execute("select count(*) from demo") count = cursor.fetchall() cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select * from demo limit "+str(page)+","+str(limit)) data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field) else: education = str(request.args['education']) positionName = str(request.args['positionName']).lower() if(education=='不限'): cursor.execute("select count(*) from demo where positionName like '%"+positionName+"%'") count = cursor.fetchall() cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select * from demo where positionName like '%"+positionName+"%' limit " + str(page) + "," + str(limit)) data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field) else: cursor.execute("select count(*) from demo where positionName like '%"+positionName+"%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select * from demo where positionName like '%"+positionName+"%' and education = '"+education+"' limit " + str(page) + "," + str(limit)) data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field) table_result = {"code": 0, "msg": None, "count": count[0], "data": data_dict} cursor.close() conn.close() return jsonify(table_result)
@app.route('/qiye',methods=['GET']) def qiye(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(city) from demo") result = cursor.fetchall() city = [] city_result = [] companySize = [] companySizeResult = [] selected = {} # 获取到的城市 for field in result: city.append(field[0]) if (len(request.args) == 0): # 没有查询条件 # 获取到城市对应的个数 for i in city: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where city = '" + i + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} city_result.append(dict) # 初始化最开始显示几个城市 for i in city[10:]: selected[i] = False # 获取到几种公司规模 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) # 每种公司规模对应的个数 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() companySizeResult.append(count[0][0]) else: positionName = str(request.args['positionName']).lower() # 查询条件:某种职业 # 每个城市某种职业的个数 for i in city: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where city = '" + i + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%'") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} city_result.append(dict) for i in city[10:]: selected[i] = False cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%'") count = cursor.fetchall() companySizeResult.append(count[0][0]) result = {"city": city, "city_result": city_result, "selected": selected, "companySize": companySize, "companySizeResult": companySizeResult} cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/qiye_first',methods=['GET']) def qiye_first(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(city) from demo") #result = cursor.fetchall() city = ['北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳'] city_result = [] companySize = [] companySizeResult = [] selected = {} # 获取到的城市 #for field in result: #city.append(field[0]) if (len(request.args) == 0): # 没有查询条件 # 获取到城市对应的个数 for i in city: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where city = '" + i + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} city_result.append(dict) # 初始化最开始显示几个城市 for i in city[4:]: selected[i] = False # 获取到几种公司规模 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo where city in ('北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳');") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) # 每种公司规模对应的个数 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "' and city in ('北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳');") count = cursor.fetchall() companySizeResult.append(count[0][0]) else: positionName = str(request.args['positionName']).lower() # 查询条件:某种职业 # 每个城市某种职业的个数 for i in city: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where city = '" + i + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%'") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} city_result.append(dict) for i in city[4:]: selected[i] = False cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo where city in ('北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳');") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%' and city in ('北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳');") count = cursor.fetchall() companySizeResult.append(count[0][0]) result = {"city": city, "city_result": city_result, "selected": selected, "companySize": companySize, "companySizeResult": companySizeResult} cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/xinzi',methods=['GET']) def xinzi(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() positionName = ['java', 'python', 'php', 'web', 'bi', 'android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库'] #柱状图返回列表 zzt_list = [] zzt_list.append(['product', 'Java', 'Python', 'PHP', 'web', 'bi', 'android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库']) if (len(request.args) == 0 or str(request.args['education'])=='不限'): temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) like '%K%' and positionName like '%"+i+"%';") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['0—10K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 and positionName like '%"+i+"%';") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['10—20K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 20 AND 30 and positionName like '%"+i+"%';") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['20—30K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 30 AND 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%';") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['30—40K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) > 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%';") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['40以上', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) else: education = str(request.args['education']) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) like '%K%' and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['0—10K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['10—20K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 20 AND 30 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['20—30K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 30 AND 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['30—40K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) > 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and education = '"+education+"'") count = cursor.fetchall() temp_list += count[0] zzt_list.append(['40以上', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5], temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) result = {"zzt": zzt_list} cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/fuli',methods=['GET']) def fuli(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select positionAdvantage from `demo`") data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field['positionAdvantage']) content = ''.join(data_dict) positionAdvantage = [] jieba.analyse.set_stop_words('./stopwords.txt') tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(content, topK=100, withWeight=True) for v, n in tags: mydict = {} mydict["name"] = v mydict["value"] = str(int(n * 10000)) positionAdvantage.append(mydict) cursor.execute("select companyLabelList from `demo`") data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field['companyLabelList']) content = ''.join(data_dict) companyLabelList = [] jieba.analyse.set_stop_words('./stopwords.txt') tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(content, topK=100, withWeight=True) for v, n in tags: mydict = {} mydict["name"] = v mydict["value"] = str(int(n * 10000)) companyLabelList.append(mydict) cursor.close() return jsonify({"zwfl": positionAdvantage, "gsfl": companyLabelList})
@app.route('/xueli',methods=['GET']) def xueli(): #打开数据库连接 conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') #创建一个游标对象cursor cursor = conn.cursor() #执行sql语句 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(education) from demo") #获取所有记录列表 result = cursor.fetchall() education = [] education_data = [] color_list = ['#459AF0', '#38C3B0', '#86CA5A', '#BFD44F', ' #90EE90'] #获取到学历的五种情况:不限、大专、本科、硕士、博士 for field in result: education.append(field[0]) #获取到每种学历对应的个数 for i in range(len(education)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where education = '" + education[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() education_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'itemStyle': {'color': color_list[i]}}) cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(workYear) from demo") result = cursor.fetchall() workYear = [] workYear_data = [] #获取到的几种工作经验 for field in result: workYear.append(field[0]) #获取到每种工作经验对应的个数 for i in workYear: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where workYear = '" + i + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() workYear_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': i}) cursor.close() return jsonify({"education":education, "education_data":education_data, "workYear_data":workYear_data})
@app.route('/rongzi',methods=['GET']) def rongzi(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(financeStage) from demo") result = cursor.fetchall() finance = [] finance_data = [] # 获取到融资的几种情况 for field in result: finance.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种融资对应的个数 for i in range(len(finance)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where financeStage = '" + finance[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() finance_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': finance[i]}) cursor.close() return jsonify({"finance": finance, "finance_data": finance_data})
@app.route('/poststyle',methods=['GET']) def poststyle(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(firstType) from demo") result = cursor.fetchall() firstType = [] firstType_data = [] # 获取到职位类型的几种情况 for field in result: firstType.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种职位类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(firstType)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where firstType = '" + firstType[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() firstType_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': firstType[i]}) cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(secondType) from demo") second = cursor.fetchall() secondType = [] secondType_data = [] # 获取到职位类型的几种情况 for field in second: secondType.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种职位类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(secondType)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where secondType = '" + secondType[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() secondType_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': secondType[i]}) cursor.close() return jsonify({"firstType": firstType, "firstType_data": firstType_data, "secondType": secondType, "secondType_data": secondType_data})
@app.route('/beijing',methods=['GET']) def beijing(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() district = [] district_result = [] companySize = [] companySizeResult = [] education = [] educationResult = [] workYear = [] workYear_data = [] firstType = [] firstType_data = [] finance = [] finance_data = [] leida_max_dict = [] # 获取到的行政区 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(district) from demo where city='北京';") result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: district.append(field[0]) if (len(request.args) == 0): # 没有查询条件 # 获取到行政区对应的个数 for i in district: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where district = '" + i + "';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} district_result.append(dict) # 获取到几种公司规模 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo where city = '北京';") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) # 每种公司规模对应的个数 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': field[0]} companySizeResult.append(dict) # 获取到几种学历要求 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(education) from demo where city = '北京';") eduresult = cursor.fetchall() for field in eduresult: education.append(field[0]) # 每种学历要求对应的个数 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where education = '" + field[0] + "' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': field[0]} educationResult.append(dict) cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(workYear) from demo where city = '北京';") workyear = cursor.fetchall() # 获取到的几种工作经验 for field in workyear: workYear.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种工作经验对应的个数 for i in workYear: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where workYear = '" + i + "' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() workYear_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': i}) cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(financeStage) from demo where city = '北京';") result = cursor.fetchall() # 获取到融资的几种情况 for field in result: finance.append(field[0]) leida_max_dict.append({'name': field[0], 'max': 300}) # 获取到每种融资对应的个数 for i in range(len(finance)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where financeStage = '" + finance[i] + "' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() finance_data.append(count[0][0]) # 职位福利 cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select positionAdvantage from `demo` where city = '北京';") data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field['positionAdvantage']) content = ''.join(data_dict) positionAdvantage = [] jieba.analyse.set_stop_words('./stopwords.txt') tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(content, topK=100, withWeight=True) for v, n in tags: mydict = {} mydict["name"] = v mydict["value"] = str(int(n * 10000)) positionAdvantage.append(mydict) # 职位类型 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(firstType) from demo where city = '北京';") result = cursor.fetchall() # 获取到职位类型的几种情况 for field in result: for i in field.keys(): firstType.append(field[i]) # 获取到每种职位类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(firstType)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where firstType = '" + firstType[i] + "' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for field in count: for j in field.keys(): value = field[j] firstType_data.append({'value': value, 'name': firstType[i]}) #薪资待遇 positionName = ['java', 'python', 'php', 'web', 'bi', 'android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库'] # 柱状图返回列表 zzt_list = [] zzt_list.append( ['product', 'Java', 'Python', 'PHP', 'web', 'bi', 'android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库']) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) like '%k%' and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append( ['0—10K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['10—20K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 20 AND 30 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['20—30K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 30 AND 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['30—40K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) temp_list = [] for i in positionName: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) > 40 and positionName like '%" + i + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['40以上', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) else: positionName = str(request.args['positionName']).lower() print(positionName) # 查询条件:某种职业 # 行政区 for i in district: cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where district = '" + i + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': i} district_result.append(dict) # 公司规模 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(companySize) from demo where city = '北京';") company = cursor.fetchall() for field in company: companySize.append(field[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where companySize = '" + field[0] + "' and positionName like '%"+positionName+"%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': field[0]} companySizeResult.append(dict) # 学历要求 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(education) from demo where city = '北京';") eduresult = cursor.fetchall() for field in eduresult: education.append(field[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where education = '" + field[0] + "' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() dict = {'value': count[0][0], 'name': field[0]} educationResult.append(dict) #工作经验 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(workYear) from demo where city = '北京';") workyear = cursor.fetchall() for field in workyear: workYear.append(field[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where workYear = '" + field[0] + "' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() workYear_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': field[0]}) # 融资阶段 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(financeStage) from demo where city = '北京';") result = cursor.fetchall() # 获取到融资的几种情况 for field in result: finance.append(field[0]) leida_max_dict.append({'name': field[0], 'max': 300}) # 获取到每种融资对应的个数 for i in range(len(finance)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where financeStage = '" + finance[i] + "' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() finance_data.append(count[0][0]) # 职位类型 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(firstType) from demo where city = '北京';") result = cursor.fetchall() # 获取到职位类型的几种情况 for field in result: firstType.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种职位类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(firstType)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from demo where firstType = '" + firstType[i] + "' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() firstType_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': firstType[i]}) # 职位福利 cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("select positionAdvantage from `demo` where city = '北京' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' ;") data_dict = [] result = cursor.fetchall() for field in result: data_dict.append(field['positionAdvantage']) content = ''.join(data_dict) positionAdvantage = [] jieba.analyse.set_stop_words('./stopwords.txt') tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(content, topK=100, withWeight=True) for v, n in tags: mydict = {} mydict["name"] = v mydict["value"] = str(int(n * 10000)) positionAdvantage.append(mydict) # 薪资待遇 positionName_sample = ['java', 'python', 'php', 'web', 'bi', 'android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库'] # 柱状图返回列表 zzt_list = [] zzt_list.append(['product', 'Java', 'Python', 'PHP', 'Web', 'BI', 'Android', 'ios', '算法', '大数据', '测试', '运维', '数据库']) # <10k temp_list = [] cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) like '%k%' and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() #print(count) for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] print(value) for num in range(len(positionName_sample)): if positionName == positionName_sample[num]: temp_list.append(value) else: temp_list.append(0) # print(temp_list) # temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['0—10K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) # 10-20k temp_list = [] cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] for num in range(len(positionName_sample)): if positionName == positionName_sample[num]: temp_list.append(value) else: temp_list.append(0) # temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['10—20K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) # 20-30k temp_list = [] cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 20 AND 30 and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] for num in range(len(positionName_sample)): if positionName == positionName_sample[num]: temp_list.append(value) else: temp_list.append(0) #temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['20—30K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) # 30-40k temp_list = [] cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) BETWEEN 30 AND 40 and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] for num in range(len(positionName_sample)): if positionName == positionName_sample[num]: temp_list.append(value) else: temp_list.append(0) #temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['30—40K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) # >40k temp_list = [] cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM demo WHERE SUBSTR(salary,1,2) > 40 and positionName like '%" + positionName + "%' and city = '北京';") count = cursor.fetchall() for i in count[0].keys(): value = count[0][i] for num in range(len(positionName_sample)): if positionName == positionName_sample[num]: temp_list.append(value) else: temp_list.append(0) #temp_list.append(value) zzt_list.append(['>40K', temp_list[0], temp_list[1], temp_list[2], temp_list[3], temp_list[4], temp_list[5],temp_list[6], temp_list[7], temp_list[8], temp_list[9], temp_list[10], temp_list[11]]) print(zzt_list) result = {"district": district, "district_result": district_result, "companySize": companySize, "companySizeResult": companySizeResult, "education": education, "educationResult": educationResult, "workYear_data":workYear_data, "firstType": firstType, "firstType_data": firstType_data, "leida_max_dict":leida_max_dict, "cyt": positionAdvantage, "finance": finance, "finance_data": finance_data, "zzt": zzt_list} cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/area',methods=['GET']) def area(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() area_kind = ['<=20㎡', '21~40㎡', '41~60㎡', '61~80㎡', '81~100㎡', '101~120㎡', '121~140㎡', '141~160㎡', '161~180㎡', '181~200㎡'] area_data = [] # 获取到每种面积类别对应的个数 #<=20㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 0 and 20;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) #21~40㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 21 and 40;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 41~60㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 41 and 60;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 61~80㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 61 and 80;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 81~100㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 81 and 100;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 101~120㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 101 and 120;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 121~140㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 121 and 140;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 141~160㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 141 and 160;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 161~180㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 161 and 180;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) # 181~200㎡ cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where area between 181 and 200;") count = cursor.fetchall() area_data.append(count[0][0]) cursor.close() print(area_data) return jsonify({"area_kind": area_kind, "area_data": area_data})
@app.route('/floor',methods=['GET']) def floor(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(floor) from house;") result = cursor.fetchall() floor_kind = [] floor_data = [] # 获取到楼层的几种情况 for field in result: floor_kind.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种楼层类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(floor_kind)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where floor = '" + floor_kind[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() floor_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': floor_kind[i]}) cursor.close() return jsonify({"floor_kind": floor_kind, "floor_data": floor_data})
@app.route('/orient',methods=['GET']) def orient(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(orient) from house;") result = cursor.fetchall() orient_kind = [] orient_data = [] # 获取到朝向的几种情况 for field in result: orient_kind.append(field[0]) # 获取到每种朝向类型对应的个数 for i in range(len(orient_kind)): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where orient = '" + orient_kind[i] + "'") count = cursor.fetchall() orient_data.append({'value': count[0][0], 'name': orient_kind[i]}) cursor.close() print(orient_data) return jsonify({"orient_kind": orient_kind, "orient_data": orient_data})
@app.route('/price',methods=['GET']) def price(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() price_kind = ['<=1000', '1001~2000', '2001~3000', '3001~4000', '4001~5000', '5001~6000', '6001~7000', '7001~8000', '8001~9000', '9001~10000', '>10000'] price_data = [] # 获取到每种价格类别对应的个数 # <=1000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 0 and 1000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 1001~2000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 1001 and 2000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 2001~3000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 2001 and 3000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 3001~4000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 3001 and 4000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 4001~5000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 4001 and 5000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 5001~6000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 5001 and 6000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 6001~7000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 6001 and 7000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 7001~8000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 7001 and 8000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 8001~9000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 8001 and 9000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # 9001~10000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price between 9001 and 10000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) # >10000 cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) from house where price >10000;") count = cursor.fetchall() price_data.append(count[0][0]) cursor.close() print(price_data) return jsonify({"price_kind": price_kind, "price_data": price_data})
@app.route('/relation',methods=['GET']) def relation(): conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', port=3366, db='lagou', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = conn.cursor() relation_data = [] cursor.execute("select count(*) from house;") count = cursor.fetchall() #print(count[0][0]) cursor.execute("SELECT area,price from house;") result = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(count[0][0]): relation_data.append(list(result[i])) #print(relation_data) cursor.close() return jsonify({"relation_data": relation_data})
@app.route('/predict',methods=['GET']) def predict(): y_data = ['0—10K', '10—20K', '20—30K', '30—40K', '40K以上'] positionName = str(request.args['positionName']).lower() model = str(request.args['model']) with open(positionName+'_'+model+'.model', 'rb') as fr: selected_model = pickle.load(fr) companySize = int(request.args['companySize']) workYear = int(request.args['workYear']) education = int(request.args['education']) city = int(request.args['city']) x = [companySize, workYear, education, city] x = np.array(x) y = selected_model.predict(x.reshape(1, -1)) return jsonify(y_data[y[0]])
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