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查询Tags标签: vertices,共有 21条记录
  • XXI Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev. Grand Prix of Korea

    C 知道这个定理: Theorem. A graph \(G\) is strongly connected if and only if it can be constructed using the following procedure:Start with \(N\) isolated vertices. Pick any vertex \(v\), and let \(S = \{v\}\). Repeat the following until \(S = V(G)\):…

    2021/9/10 6:04:12 人评论 次浏览
  • XXI Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev. Grand Prix of Korea

    C 知道这个定理: Theorem. A graph \(G\) is strongly connected if and only if it can be constructed using the following procedure:Start with \(N\) isolated vertices. Pick any vertex \(v\), and let \(S = \{v\}\). Repeat the following until \(S = V(G)\):…

    2021/9/10 6:04:12 人评论 次浏览
  • prim最小生成树代码

    1 // A C program for Prims Minimum2 // Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm. The program is3 // for adjacency matrix representation of the graph4 #include <limits.h>5 #include <stdbool.h>6 #include <stdio.h>7 // Number of vertices in the gr…

    2021/8/29 6:06:34 人评论 次浏览
  • prim最小生成树代码

    1 // A C program for Prims Minimum2 // Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm. The program is3 // for adjacency matrix representation of the graph4 #include <limits.h>5 #include <stdbool.h>6 #include <stdio.h>7 // Number of vertices in the gr…

    2021/8/29 6:06:34 人评论 次浏览
  • 8648 图的深度遍历

    Description 实现图的邻接表存储结构及一些基本操作函数。在此基础上实现图的深度遍历算法并加以测试。本题只给出部分代码,请补全内容。 #include"string.h" #include"malloc.h" /* malloc()等 */ #include"stdio.h" /* EOF(=^Z或F6),NU…

    2021/6/19 6:28:45 人评论 次浏览
  • 8-加载立方图纹理

    目录概述立方图纹理立方图纹理源码解析如何画球体球的顶点坐标球体绘制的数学模型绘制球体的源码源码解析参考 概述 立方图纹理 ​ 立方图就是一个由6个单独2D纹理面组成的纹理,通常,生成环境贴图所用的立方图通过在场景中央放置一个摄像机,从6个轴的方向(+X,-X,+Y,…

    2021/5/9 18:26:47 人评论 次浏览