


编号 属性或方法 描述
1 axes 返回行轴标签列表。
2 dtype 返回对象的数据类型(dtype)。
3 empty 如果系列为空,则返回True
4 ndim 返回底层数据的维数,默认定义:1
5 size 返回基础数据中的元素数。
6 values 将系列作为ndarray返回。
7 head() 返回前n行。
8 tail() 返回最后n行。



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 100 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print s

执行上面示例代码,得到以下输出结果 -

0   0.967853
dtype: float64


返回系列的标签列表。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 100 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print ("The axes are:")
print s.axes

执行上面示例代码,得到以下输出结果 -

The axes are:
[RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)]




import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 100 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print ("Is the Object empty?")
print s.empty

执行上面示例代码,得到以下输出结果 -

Is the Object empty?


返回对象的维数。根据定义,一个系列是一个1D数据结构,参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 4 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print s

print ("The dimensions of the object:")
print s.ndim

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

0   0.175898
dtype: float64

The dimensions of the object:


返回系列的大小(长度)。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 4 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(2))
print s
print ("The size of the object:")
print s.size

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

0   3.078058
dtype: float64

The size of the object:



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 4 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print s

print ("The actual data series is:")
print s.values

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

0   1.787373
dtype: float64

The actual data series is:
[ 1.78737302 -0.60515881 0.18047664 -0.1409218 ]




import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 4 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print ("The original series is:")
print s

print ("The first two rows of the data series:")
print s.head(2)

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

The original series is:
dtype: float64

The first two rows of the data series:
dtype: float64

tail()返回最后n行(观察索引值)。 要显示的元素的默认数量为5,但可以传递自定义数字值。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a series with 4 random numbers
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print ("The original series is:")
print s

print ("The last two rows of the data series:")
print s.tail(2)

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

The original series is:
dtype: float64

The last two rows of the data series:
dtype: float64



编号 属性或方法 描述
1 T 转置行和列。
2 axes 返回一个列,行轴标签和列轴标签作为唯一的成员。
3 dtypes 返回此对象中的数据类型(dtypes)。
4 empty 如果NDFrame完全为空[无项目],则返回为True; 如果任何轴的长度为0
5 ndim 轴/数组维度大小。
6 shape 返回表示DataFrame的维度的元组。
7 size NDFrame中的元素数。
8 values NDFrame的Numpy表示。
9 head() 返回开头前n行。
10 tail() 返回最后n行。



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our data series is:")
print df

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our data series is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80


返回DataFrame的转置。行和列将交换。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("The transpose of the data series is:")
print df.T

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

The transpose of the data series is:
      2      3      4      5       6
Age      25    26      25     23     30     29      23
Name     Tom   James   Ricky  Vin    Steve  Minsu   Jack
Rating   4.23  3.24    3.98   2.56   3.2    4.6     3.8


返回行轴标签和列轴标签列表。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Row axis labels and column axis labels are:")
print df.axes

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Row axis labels and column axis labels are:

[RangeIndex(start=0, stop=7, step=1), Index([u'Age', u'Name', u'Rating'],


返回每列的数据类型。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("The data types of each column are:")
print df.dtypes

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

The data types of each column are:
Age     int64
Name    object
Rating  float64
dtype: object


返回布尔值,表示对象是否为空; 返回True表示对象为空。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Is the object empty?")
print df.empty

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Is the object empty?


返回对象的维数。根据定义,DataFrame是一个2D对象。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our object is:")
print df
print ("The dimension of the object is:")
print df.ndim

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our object is:
      Age    Name     Rating
    Tom      4.23
    James    3.24
    Ricky    3.98
    Vin      2.56
    Steve    3.20
    Minsu    4.60
    Jack     3.80

The dimension of the object is:


返回表示DataFrame的维度的元组。 元组(a,b),其中a表示行数,b表示列数。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our object is:")
print df
print ("The shape of the object is:")
print df.shape

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our object is:
   Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80

The shape of the object is:
(7, 3)


返回DataFrame中的元素数。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our object is:")
print df
print ("The total number of elements in our object is:")
print df.size

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our object is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80

The total number of elements in our object is:


DataFrame中的实际数据作为NDarray返回。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our object is:")
print df
print ("The actual data in our data frame is:")
print df.values

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our object is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80
The actual data in our data frame is:
[[25 'Tom' 4.23]
[26 'James' 3.24]
[25 'Ricky' 3.98]
[23 'Vin' 2.56]
[30 'Steve' 3.2]
[29 'Minsu' 4.6]
[23 'Jack' 3.8]]


要查看DataFrame对象的小样本,可使用head()tail()方法。head()返回前n行(观察索引值)。显示元素的默认数量为5,但可以传递自定义数字值。参考以下示例代码 -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our data frame is:")
print df
print ("The first two rows of the data frame is:")
print df.head(2)

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our data frame is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80

The first two rows of the data frame is:
   Age   Name   Rating
   Tom    4.23
   James  3.24


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Create a Dictionary of series
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack']),

#Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print ("Our data frame is:")
print df
print ("The last two rows of the data frame is:")
print df.tail(2)

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

Our data frame is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Tom     4.23
   James   3.24
   Ricky   3.98
   Vin     2.56
   Steve   3.20
   Minsu   4.60
   Jack    3.80

The last two rows of the data frame is:
    Age   Name    Rating
   Minsu    4.6
   Jack     3.8




